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I didn't like it that much.

I liked the first one and the last one. I thought Beast With A Billion Backs was pretty boring.

..for no Far Out. Come on, it's only like a minute-and-a-half long! I suspect I'm probably the only person who'd put it in their Blur top five, mind, but it's a great Syd Barrett type fragment.

There's my argument, restrict immigration!

On holiday, I once found a Turtles arcade game that gave me something like 99 lives when put one coin in. I took advantage of the fact that it had fucked up and beat the game, although I had about three lives left at the time. That's how magical things were in the Summer of 1991. Ahhhh…

I didn't mind Bad Boys, but Bad Boys II was, indeed, awful. There's a horribly long sequence with corpses on their way to the mortuary or something, and they go flying out of the back of the van, and Martin Lawrence is hiding under them and makes acomment about "big, dead, white titties". Yes, really. It's as horrible

Ghostbusters is awesome. There's nothing wrong with it. I saw it first at 10 and it was scary and funny and I still watch it every few years, and it's still great.

The first one, on PS3, was really good. This one, I just can't get into.

Ha, I typoed. Plenty entertaining though.

Oh shit, I didn't know there'd be a test.

I don't particularly mind any of those guys, but that one "joke" surrounding Prison Wine is old and boring as fuck. He tortures people in his apartment GUFFAW GUFFAW GUFFAW

Incredibles is indeed better than Watchmen, and is one of the five best super-hero movies ever made.

L.A. Confidential always gets the "movie better than the book" nod for me.

I dig Nickelodeon. It always seemed to be on on Sunday afternoons in the 80s. The review is spot on, it loses momentum in the third act, but still it's pretty good. Mind you, I've not seen it for maybe twenty years.

What kind of erotic plan is that?

I actually rather like Dawn Patrol.

The first one was good for the time, and I enjoyed some of the pseudo-wannabe-Watchmen stuff from the second one, like "Lords and Ladies" and the like, but the best shoot-em-up is indeed Punisher, as someone said above. Fuck, that game was fun.

That was the line of the night (and followed on from the Adam West appearance last time).

Prince Of Thieves and that other Robin Hood movie that came out at around the same time.

I have seen a bit of it, as the perma-tired parent of a toddler, and it was quite charming and engaging. My apologies for thinking you were being snarky.