Generic Name

Being John Malcontent.

I'd like to hear more from George "Not a studio plant, honestly" M.

This is a good gimmick, bravo! ^

Agreed. Well done!

Running Man is the best. Then Total Recall, Raw Deal, Red Heat and Last Action Hero. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Ghostbusters is awesome. Ghostbusters 2 is shit. That is all.

Only if they end up with plasters on their broken noses at the end. That was Riptide, right?

No you're not idealizing. HEROES is nowhere the writing on the average decent comic.

Ha, that's what I did too. These write-ups informed me that I made the right decision. Season 1 was underwhelming enough.

Well, duh.

Not one, thankfully.

"Iron Man was great if you have chromosomes missing. It makes the racism go down easier."

Iron Man was indeed great.

Bradley Whitford is awesome in his role as the other guitarist in Aerosmith though.


D'oh. WAS me.

Thank you for that! I was very tired watching these episodes, sitting up with a newborn baby, and that kinda ruined Utter and Bullock as the two heroes for me. I must've missed that, I need to rewatch. I disliked that they'd go along with the plot, but it me being a dumbkopf!

Played piano on Wild Horses, if I remember rightly.
Nice work, Jim. Rest in peace.

Enough of your boron, poindexter!

I remembered it too, but nothing else about the movie.