Skank Sinatra

Wading in Jizz.

Shoot the one with the goatee who smells of whiskey - GOOD whiskey.

John Waters bikini briefs? Cmon.

Album: Midnight, hands down
Track: Check the Rhime/Electric Relaxation (too many on BR&L to count though)
Underappreciated Gem: Keep it Rollin/Word Play

Lynch is the only reason I have any morbid curiosity in that show, but every clip/advert I see causes bleeding from all my head cavities.

Disney cuts out middleman & starts accepting newborns at theme parks. Also, Bieber singularity.

So I'm guessing there will be some sort of website which rigs all the Q&A he gets asked beforehand? My vote is, "So, Indy 4. Aliens…really?" asked every 3 questions.

Enter the Void
She's got Buscemi stink all over her, but I'd still give it a go.

The most insightful revelation in the WTF interview was the fact he was jailed for alleged rape. If that doesn't make you misogynistic I don't know what does.

@HDB are you referring to the Tudors? Because even with all the interstitial sex it's almost unwatchable for me.

You mean Whorders, f&s

I'd love to lay a laugh track on the doctors telling him his diagnosis.

Charlie Sheen deadpool - any bets? How long?

The King's Skeets?
Prince of Rides?

Maggie wouldn't have allowed this on her watch!

Irritable Towel Syndrome? Where's Towelie?

He had me at 'Willow'…but lost me at 'Backdraft'.

I'm still confounded that CCH Pounder isn't a hulking black male pornstar, but her VO work is amazing.

And I'll be touring Detroit with some assholes from Craigslist this summer as 'Scarlet Diaper'.

I've always assumed you wore a codpiece & strappy one-sy from Zardoz but with Danny Devito's body, fastandsloppy.