Skank Sinatra

He gains his strength from the praises of fanboys and eating their children.

Tori Amos just looks like she smells of Big Red chewing gum.

That was some quality O'Neal up there.

I'm actually more intrigued by the Kidz Bop version of this.

Kings of Leon smells exactly like Drakkar & sprays you every 30 minutes.


Saturday Night Live

Everyone knows only 13-15 year old girls buy albums. That's also who watches Glee.

So, Kings of Leon were aware that their hacked-to-shit single was overplayed and tried to cut it back. Ryan Murphy was pissed that he couldn't use it to churn out more starry-eyed, over-praised 6th graders?

Murder She Wrote (then was burned as a witch for writing)

God & Moses in a procedural after the Ten Commandments are delivered to wandering Hebrews: 'Deus Exodus Machina'

E.A.P. Nights: New Amsterdam

Each show should end with another saved victim's progeny leaving a bottle of brandy at his grave.

Can't believe I had to scroll through 4 threads to finally see the mention of Uwe Boll.

Frasier was the original hipster. Think about it.

It's cheap & too soon after the Captain America faux death. Secret Invasion was cool but methinks this is going to be another bait/switch. "That was actually Uatu the whole time" sorta shit.

PACINO: "You're tearing me apart, Channing!"
MORGAN: "You're tearing me apart, Liz Lemon!"
HOLMES: "mumble, mumble, Xenu, mumble"

Well obviously kids are going to start doing drugs & having sex because of this show.

That's immediately what I thought of when I saw this headline. Onion ouroboros ftw.

@BIll Reed agreed. I only hope the NBC writers are smart enough to figure out they have a real chance at meta-humor on their hands.