Skank Sinatra

Pete the mailman is dead!

First time watching this show out of curiosity and that was the first thing that hit me; 90s slang set in the 60s. Not to mention mannerisms. If not for the costumes & cars (with gratuitous shots, "Remember, we're in the PAST!") this is almost a [insert lame evening drama] clone.

No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

The iterative chord progression & familiar loops are a guilty pleasure. But every time I have brought a lady home & played that in the background it gets the party going.

A tide of primordial ooze washes ashore and drowns us all.

Seriously, this story is exhausted. Spielberg is masturbating in his own nostalgia.

I am now convinced AVClub is filled with studio executives after witnessing that slaughter by notes.

Gonna go with pikul's idea here. This is a rehash of Old School.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, anyone? He was even good in that Macgruber flick.

Can anyone find a good example of Anime turned into live action done well?

I was just waiting to see which accent Cary Elwes was using.

Unfortunately, that's the smallest logicfail in Superman 3. But also the funniest bit in the entire shitreel.

Agreed. This will suck hard. Hopefully not DBZ-levels of sucktitiude, but it will certainly suck.

I just want Robert Evans giving me directions, the prattling on between lines about production on 'A Love Story' and how much Cassavetes drank.

They were definitely….Asian

My understanding is JS was an elaborate recipe for Douche Tea with a jacuzzi.

Well, that's like your opinion, man.

I Fosters in your beer.

How can anyone appreciate Spongebob without bowing to Ren & Stimpy? I had a friend finally get me to watch an episode of Spongebob & 60% of the funniest moments were gags previously featured on Ren & Stimpy.