
Oh Mighty Isis

They all are, dear.

Lurking from the Midwest.

Air Bud

Air Bud

Yup!  Sometimes the A.V. Club swings that way.

Yup!  Sometimes the A.V. Club swings that way.

Like the Hamstars!

Commenting so as to bookmark this thread for future reference.
Yes, that's creepy and lurky, but I mean it in a supportive way….

I catch the show when I can, and lurk the AV club compulsively.
More coverage!

Hmm. The only thing I've consistently noted Dan being down on is hypocrisy.


Is it still a D+ if those "friends" kids had sharpies?

Awww! I wish good will to you all, even if I know it will do no good.

I thank the avclub for motherfuckery such as this.

Michigan drivers are awesome.

Looking forward to the fireworks is part of the fun!

No offence, Fry, but you're a fat sack of crap.

I remember "Sigmund and the Sea Monsters", but not well, and I remember "HR Puffinstuff" because of Jack Wild, the weird, weird talking flute, and how it bugged me that Pufinstuff's mouth hung open unless he was bouncing up and down to "talk".

female. Planet Terror. I spaced out during much of the dialog in Death proof, but still liked if fine - just not as much as PT.