


I had to read "The Red Pony" and my teacher was surprised when I hated it. As an adolescent, my life sucked enough, the damn horse up and died, was that the point? I didn't need that shit.

"Kitten thinks of nothing but murder all day"

As a mega frequent flyer, I buy bulk from the used book store and tend to leave finished books behind me in airports. I go through about 3 books per week and at less than a buck a book, I'm ok with that. Since my local store has limited science fiction, this has led me to read far outside my usual preferences.


Bride of Rubber: Rotunda meets Robert.

Hair Pneumonia, gone tomorrow!

Admiral Akbar approved!

Here's a dollar, Ellie.

Peanut Butter Cups. Peanut Butter CUPs!

My Occasional Fragrance is roses and fresh, fresh ass 'cause thats how I fart.

And in the nose of the guilty.

@ Ed Solomon,
I thought it was Peter Falk.

I think they should have used chunky dog food instead of toothpaste. It works on many more levels.

Bugs Bunny Wallops the Uighurs

The Amazing Dr. Codpiece Apature

Exposure can be greatly reduced by using shielding in the form of alcohol.

Yakkety Sax.

(pauses, leans on Snape's ankle and purrs, carries on with busy day.)