
First off, Jenna is smoking and the casting director should be rewarded with heaps and bounds of riches. Second, Wilfred tackling Margo combined with Ryan and Jenna's facials expressions/body language was probably the hardest I've laughed at this show. This was probably one of my favorite episodes

"In order to buy into any of this garbage, I’d need to have less of my grey matter intact than Zach." This made me chuckle. Seriously though, what the fuck happened to this show?

"…because you know damn well you want to see what happens when Ben Affleck plays Batman."  Dammit if that doesn't perfectly capture my feelings.

This was exactly the thought that crossed my mind, and am willing to bet was intentional. Leave it to the writers to have Ryan make a positive decision and then decide to kill himself.

In her defense, I think I might have a thing for him too after that glorious barrage of charm

Seriously, I don't understand the hubbub about a scene that works just because it includes advertisement,

Kanye West is just doing whatever he wants to do. Good for him and I'm glad I'm here for the ride.

The "pulling slips out of hat" thing is a perfect and hilarious way to describe that song, thanks for that

Just because something is ridiculous doesn't mean it's necessarily a bad thing. "Touch" definitely feels left-field but it's still an awesome song.

Goddamn, this is a perfect way to put it.

That was literally the perfect line for him. He really was the heart and soul of the show.

This review was pretty spot on with how I felt and thought about the finale, or the show in general. While it wasn't the greatest episode, it just fitted so well with everything. And I know it's just a t.v. show, but it feels like a friendship is just gone. Not over, just not there anymore. I'll always miss it though.

This is pretty much the definitive Office episode for me.

To me, and probably everyone else, Michael Scott made the show. So for him to be on the last episode makes sense, but only briefly. In a perfect world, he's sitting at another office and gives a nice little wrap-up monologue at the end, and that's it! I could probably die happyish

I bought it, I don't care, I bought it. It played on the past and went a little too far with all the drama, but it felt like it would have worked in the golden years. Except the last like 5 minutes, geez, that was a mess.

I must have said the word shit 20 times in the last 10 minutes. And all that and no one even died?! Dammit all if I don't love this show for what it does though, such a good finale.

That was one of the funniest moments for me, seeing all those cats just, idk, enveloping the baby.

Seriously, this show has created some of the best cringe comedy I've ever seen involving those two. However, I don't think tough is the right word anymore. I'll be surprised if she doesn't go on a shooting rampage after she figures it all out.

That's my thing with Gregory, I can't tell if he or Elizabeth is more of the protagonist. Some episodes I'm completely on his side and others on hers. Then he comes along and play-stalks his son and completely sells me. That truly was a fantastic scene.

It kills me that all the new characters (Nelly included) are only gonna be here for one season as they're probably my favorite part of the show now. Episode wasn't bad either.