
Clark's "scoring a couple 4's" comment was the funniest I've heard this season. God that dude is killing it.

I haven't audibly laughed so much at show in a long time. Normally it's just a nice little snicker or something. This time, oh no. My poor neighbors.

I don't know if it was Ben's delivery or just the content of the joke but that was by far the funniest joke I got from this episode.

I once worked for a manager like Chris Traeger, very uppity and full of energy. His best moment? Downloading profiles of every employee there and determining that we were all some variation of a negative nancy and then proceeding to try and change that. Never work in a restaurant.
And I truly don't believe how this

"Stupidity Tries" ain't bad, but it's not as lo-fi as his earlier stuff if it makes a difference.

Clark killed it this episode. I wish they would have put him on a season or two ago.

This felt like how The Office used to feel. The only thing missing of course, was Michael Scott. The show has always been different without him, but tonight was probably the first time where I actually like missed him. It also wasn't as good as it used to be but still not bad.

I was actively rooting for Dwight throughout this whole episode, which hasn't happened in a long time. And not to mention his impression of Andy's "Redit-do-do" was hilarious.

I was actively rooting for Dwight throughout this whole episode, which hasn't happened in a long time. And not to mention his impression of Andy's "Redit-do-do" was hilarious.

I'm definitely gonna agree with you. Minus a few scenes, this episode just had a really good feeling to it. Plus, I'm pretty sure this is the first time since season 6 that I've actually laughed at the cringe comedy on this show. Daryl sabotaging his interview was priceless.

This! This x1000. Jesus this show keeps getting more and more frustrating when they could just do shit like this.

This! This x1000. Jesus this show keeps getting more and more frustrating when they could just do shit like this.

I was surprised to find myself rooting for Dexter to get arrested at the end. But when Deb shot LaGuerta instead, I just kind of felt really disappointed.

I was surprised to find myself rooting for Dexter to get arrested at the end. But when Deb shot LaGuerta instead, I just kind of felt really disappointed.

At least the writers acknowledge that they know it's gross and wrong. I'm hoping, and I'll be damned when this turns out another way, that they know what they're doing.

At least the writers acknowledge that they know it's gross and wrong. I'm hoping, and I'll be damned when this turns out another way, that they know what they're doing.

9 times out of 10 I agree on your review of this, especially with the decline this show has taken, but I really couldn't help but enjoy this episode. With Andy gone, everything felt paced correctly, nothing was over the top, and It actually reminded me of the earlier seasons of The Office, making this a pretty stellar

9 times out of 10 I agree on your review of this, especially with the decline this show has taken, but I really couldn't help but enjoy this episode. With Andy gone, everything felt paced correctly, nothing was over the top, and It actually reminded me of the earlier seasons of The Office, making this a pretty stellar

I don't hate Hannah but damn if that wouldn't be a fine way to get rid of her. I second this motion

I don't hate Hannah but damn if that wouldn't be a fine way to get rid of her. I second this motion