Do Not Touch Willie

Oh I definitely agree, Mmmm. That may be my favorite episode ever.

Who wants to place bets on whether or not it's going to beat Inception this weekend? I'm guessing no.

I got the results of the test back - I definitely have cancerAIDS.

If it's a commentary on abortion, it's a very badly thought out one.


Isn't he one of Eddard Stark's kids?

I'm glad to see him leave. Maybe this will finally spell the end for the show.

Hey now Terry Gross got me into The Wire, before I was even aware of this site. She absolutely loved that show, and interviewed pretty much everyone who ever acted or wrote on it.


I went to a screening of The Room in Tempe, AZ, and both Lisa and Denny showed up to it. So based on their Q&A, it sounds like they just went with whatever Tommy said to do. I can't speak for the rest of the crew, but they both were pretty confused about what was going on and why he made some of the "creative"

Oh goddamnit. I wish I could delete comments. Quick, everyone point and laugh at the didn't-get-the-joke guy!

Erik Estrada
Not Eric Estada.

Scott Pilgrim! Fuck yeah!

Actually, it's released tomorrow. Not that that makes much difference, but it's a random summer WEDNESDAY, not Tuesday.

Oh and this seems like an appropriate place to put this, if you haven't already heard:

Worst Nickelback song: "Photograph". The absolute worst of their awful wailing.

I could definitely go for some discipline from the Elegant Victorian Lady, amirite fellas?!

I agree somewhat. There was a lot of backstory JRRT wanted to get through, so I'd say those parts were pretty boring. When the action took over, it was amazing.

Why do they keep saying "A+"s aren't allowed?