Do Not Touch Willie

I don't care what anyone else thinks. Xenu is the best gimmick poster ever.

This is really late, but in case anyone is curious, the song at the end of the trailer is "Invaders Must Die" by The Prodigy. Fucking awesome song.

What does this have to do at all with Diablo Cody? What, are we now hating with anything remotely related to her work?

Visual sound effects?

Delayed Review
I'm not normally one for this kind of conspiracy theory, but every movie that opened today except this one had a review posted yesterday. We see an interview with Will Forte show up today before the review. I realize the interview probably wasn't done today, but it seems odd that they didn't post the


+1 vote on "Skip It". defenestrater nails it with his 'potential' theory. It looked like it was going to be awesome. Everything was building up to something, and it was exciting to anticipate what was coming. It just never paid off.

Hang on let's back up here: 28 Days Later was screwed up by the introduction of the military guys? Are you kidding me? That was one of the major strengths of the movie: showing how humans are capable of treating each other in situations of extreme stress in the face of impending death.

A theory: the fuel that made Wikus into a prawn is so ubiquitous on their home planet, the prawns used to be some other (possibly human-like) species before the entire population got exposed to it because they use it as a fuel source. Does that help explain why it would turn Wikus?

Err excuse me. That was Ira Flatow, not Neal Conan.

M. Night was on NPR's Talk of the Nation when The Happening was about to come out and I lost whatever respect I had for him. He brought out that long-debunked rumor that Einstein became a devout Christian later in life and Neil Conan (the host) said something to the effect of "I'm not sure I'd agree with you with

Red Zone Vegas
I'm Casino Jack!

Marmaduke Marmaduke Marmaduke Marmaduke Marmaduke Marmaduke Marmaduke Marmaduke Marmaduke Marmaduke Marmaduke Marmaduke

I wasn't a fan of Stylo. The video was pretty cool, what with Bruce Willis and all, but the music seemed to ramble for most of it.

I saw that in the still shot of that clip, but then dismissed the idea that he was in this as crazy. Then he talked, and I found out THE WORLD HAS GONE MAD. It was not me.

Yeah I was originally interested in the show because it looked like it would be a nice, clean 1-season arc, then they would go from there. Apparently the success of the show got to the writers' heads…

The story behind phodreaw and teadoust is that phodreaw got tired of teadoust's inflammatory comments, so made another random username based on a black-box word. He then found a picture of Marilyn Monroe that looks like Albert Einstein close up just to further confuse things.