Do Not Touch Willie

You should have a chat with Mojo Filter up there. He's dying to know how good that game was.

Thanks for that link, Flashman. I like this quote from Ben Stein, which explains why he starred in the Intelligent Design documentary "Expelled":

Can I help you?
Yeah, can I have a dozen fish biscuits, please?
Oh hi, Sawyer, I didn't know it was you.
That's meeeee! How much is it?
It will be 18 dollars.
Here you go. Keep the change. Hi, polar bear.
You're my favorite customer.
Thanks a lot. Bye.

Side-stepping the usual argument here…

Why is it showing at 9:32? That seems suspiciously specific and off.

I'm pretty sure they are making fun of people who are stockpiling supplies specifically because they think the end of the world is happening in 2012, not just as a general precaution.

I seem to recall Surge being sweeter than Vault, but that might have been my kid tastebuds talking. I love(d) both, though Vault not as much as regular ol' Mtn. Dew.

Sawyer, Jack, Jin/Sun, Hurley, Sayid, and Kate

Ha! I found proof:


I've heard of these schemes before, and I'll be damned if I can find something more genius.

Absolutely crucial to play ME1 before 2. I haven't touched 2 yet, but the storyline drops off on a cliffhanger at the end of 1.

If you're going to mention something (i.e. the poster you were talking about), could you link to it or embed it in the article above?

Hey, I'm tryin' to eat lunch here!

They put the elevators in so they wouldn't have to have loading screens. Which would you prefer?

What?! Indigo Prophecy was amazing. The only fault I have with it is that the ending felt really rushed. Someone back me up here!

I wouldn't worry about not watching it. It was decent, not great. If you do see it, you should probably see it in 3D or Imax 3D (I saw it in regular 3D). You might not even want to bother if you wait until it's on DVD/BD, since the storyline is meh and the SFX isn't anything to write home about these days (sans 3D).

AV Talk
I love AV Talk. I listen to it every week, but I have a complaint: why not discuss spoilers? Just split the two discussions into two podcasts (but keep them on the same page), and at one point say "OK now we're going to go more into depth into the storyline, with spoilers. Shut it off now if you don't want to

El Zilcho, I could be wrong, but believe you're thinking of G4, an easy mistake to make considering Spike and G4 pretty much have the same garbage programming now.