Do Not Touch Willie

Alias was usually pretty good when it came to computers and whatnot (they would have actual UNIX terminals and IP addresses that could actually be IP addresses), but in later seasons they couldn't figure out how to up the stakes of their technology, so they just kept increasing the number of bits in their encryption.

I managed to snake up a copy (for 65 bucks including shipping, which seemed expensive at the time until I saw the MSRP jump up to 90 bucks for some reason) and have played one game so far.

Speaking as someone who used to date a vegan*, I'd guess that the flavoring itself has some animal product in it since you can get Starbucks lattes with soy milk.

I struggled to make it through that episode of WHM. They're never more boring than when they're talking about a movie they liked and nothing interesting happens. Listening to 3 guys do a beat-by-beat plot breakdown of an action movie where it's mostly just a guy beating up other guys? Maybe it was fun to watch, but

@avclub-c5fe25896e49ddfe996db7508cf00534:disqus Actually, yes! An analyst is someone that subscribes to classical Freudian ideas about psychology (id/ego/superego, etc.), whereas a therapist is the modern type that has people talk through issues.

@avclub-c5fe25896e49ddfe996db7508cf00534:disqus Actually, yes! An analyst is someone that subscribes to classical Freudian ideas about psychology (id/ego/superego, etc.), whereas a therapist is the modern type that has people talk through issues.

@The Narrator

@Kirk: your work here is appreciated. I stifled a lol.

Must you?

Woo hoo! A troll! Thanks for the advice! What should I eat for dinner tonight?

The first Saw movie was genuinely pretty good. I wouldn't say great, but pretty good is fair. Sure, it had a lot of gimmicky stuff, but it had a great premise and a cool twist at the end. They should have just kept everything not in the basement out of it.

I believe the implication is that Matt and Trey are hack writers themselves.

The best part of the Volturi invite thing is the goofy smile the head guy (Frost) gets when he sees what it is.

I watched the whole thing, start to finish, when it aired. Where's my cred, or bozo button, or whatever?


Seriously! Android has been outselling the iPhone, so why are so many people concentrating on the iPhone exclusively?


NO. Keep going, damnit!

Game of Thrones
Sorry to be nitpicky, but the series is just called "Game of Thrones" unlike the book.