Do Not Touch Willie

I haven't read the last third of these responses (fuck this! I'm going home!), so I'm not sure if this was raised yet:

OK so the dog trainers say the Great Danes he has worked with don't like water. So the director's first thought is "hey! let's put a scene where the dog's in water! but he doesn't like it!" instead of just avoiding water-based scenes. What part of "don't like water" does this idiot not understand?

Hey, did someone say my name?

@TLAotA: Drag Me To Hell did respectably at the box office. According to wikipedia, it got 80m back on its 30m budget, and it got a 92% on rotten tomatoes. It got an audience and plenty of acclaim, it seems.

Grizz is the big fat one. I think I remember it by thinking Grizz as short for Grizzly Bear, which corresponds to his size.

Yeah. Wee Britain is really understated and dry ::eyeroll::

What's the difference between a dead baby and a pizza?

I wouldn't exactly say it bombed. Near 17 million? That's almost half its budget of 35 mil (according to wikipedia), so it doesn't have much to go to make a profit. With DVD sales, it should more than recoup its losses.


Pedantry ahoy!

@korpios: I think most of it comes from the fact that a good majority of his material is making silly faces and screaming/making silly voices. Sure, some of his jokes are pretty decent, but his act comes more from his delivery than the jokes themselves.

On a traffic light green means go and yellow means yield, but on a banana it's just the opposite. Green means hold on, yellow means go ahead, and red means where the fuck did you get that banana?

Maria Bamford
Hey, what timing! I just saw Maria Bamford at a comedy club in Tempe, AZ a few weeks ago!

I'm guessing it was a way to kill off the storyline of them selling power in France (which makes absolutely no sense, but whatever).

*possible spoilers*

Louis CK is great, but Brian Regan will always win for Best Standup Award. Sorry.

Angel Time.

Haha I clicked on the link thinking the exact same thing.