Do Not Touch Willie

Speaking of awkward CGI/live-action adaptation of beloved (?) 2D characters!

I see what you're getting at, Herne, but I don't think this is going to calm these people down. In fact, I'd bet it makes things worse. Laughing at a racist caricature of terrorists and wanting to turn any country they touch into glass are not mutually exclusive concepts.

I guess this is directed at Johanis:

Let's start making predictions on the (inevitable) Andy-Erin romance!

Be very, very happy you didn't know who Edward Cullen is. I wish I didn't…

This really late to the party, but you seriously don't know why we care about ratings/awards? Here:

Check this out: shit! Shit shit shit shit shit!


I'm going to go with "The Waitress is Getting Married". So much Charlie crazy in one episode, I could barely breathe by the end.

Isn't it only Nabin who says that? I can't be bothered to look it up.

Whoa what? No aiming arrows? Pull out your bow, hit R1 to nock your arrow, then hit L1. It pulls up crosshairs you can use to aim manually. I don't think the same thing works with crossbows since they're fired with one hand, but I haven't tried because I'm happy with my bow (especially with how rarely I use it).

The best messages are the ones that get creative with the template. I always giggle when I see "Beware of not using caution ahead". Wha….?

"You start out with some nicely wrought apocalyptic doom with the voice of an Oscar-winning actress, and you end up with a blind lawyer masturbation session and a mime thief."

One word: Generalissimo.

Wow mine says AV club new york city, which is odd because I'm in Phoenix. I'm guessing your site thinks I live there based on my company's corporate HQ being out there somewhere (Jersey I think), so the DNS record is probably showing as being there. Yes, I know I'm simplifying things. Shut up, networking geeks.

Am I the only one that thinks the original is vastly overrated? Sure, it's pretty good and all, but its combat is easily its weakest point. It's trying to be Gears of War, but it fails so hard (k maybe it's not trying to be it per se, but Gears does it way better). The cover mechanic is awkward and shooting isn't

Seconded on Demon's Souls. Damn that game is ridiculously difficult: Walk off an edge — dead. Stand in the wrong place and a dragon torches you — dead. Pick a fight with a Red Eyes Demon at too low a level — dead. Not to mention the death penalty is so punishing, you actually fear death. I've never played a game where

Wow I just realized they yanked out my nice spelling key. It was supposed to read "Ga-i-de-n, or (gah) (ee) (deh) (n)"

Yeah spelling in Japanese is literally sounds crammed together. "Gaiden" would be Ga-i-de-n, or .

1.5% is exactly what I got for a raise last year. Considering others didn't get raises at all, I was pretty happy with it. Or at least not angry about it.