Do Not Touch Willie

There were circumstances where I was forced to listen to Glenn Beck on AM radio (1190 WOWO. I'm guessing everyone who lives in the midwest can pick it up, but I wouldn't recommend it) every day for 6 months or so in 2003-2004. He was just as bad as he is now, spouting completely nonsensical talking points, ad hominem,

Mad Max has gotten this far without him being called out on his hilarious first-class mail point? Here:

I got a bubbling beaker for ya…


Wait… that's not two points. That's not two points at all.

Seinfeld is the absolute last show I'll watch with a laugh track. Nowadays, your jokes should be good enough that you don't need to be told to laugh.

I hate to bust out wikipedia, but I just wanted a source to back up what I remembered from my psych classes:

Bowser's Inside Story
Where's the review for that?!

From what I hear, The Observer walked by the car wreck at the beginning. So there you go.

The keys definitely didn't move in E1. Feel free to rewatch it, but I watched it very closely when I saw something was amiss. The keys didn't move, but the text got printed on the page.

Screw you haters
I'm apparently the only one around here that loved Juno, so I'm disappointed that this movie sucks. I was even willing to watch another movie with Megan Fox in it (I swore off on them after I saw Transformers 1), but I guess I get to continue holding off.

Get the hell out of here with your anti-sardine agenda. Sardines in mustard sauce on saltine crackers? Hell. Yes.

@TWfS: This may be a little pedantic, but isn't an avatar an embodiment of just anything, not necessary a god? Your link seems to confirm that.

I stand corrected. Seppuku time!

You're thinking of the yawing of a plane. I don't think they use pitch/roll/yaw for boats. Yaw has a different definition in nautical terms:

I disagree. I think horsefellow is the actual name on their birth certificate.

A full 9 ZMF posts without a single fake-ZMF troll posting? Is this a record of some sort?

Fare thee well, madam:

There is so much in weather forecasting that is IMPOSSIBLE to predict. Hell, that's where The Butterfly Effect started. They usually use a couple of ways of predicting the weather. A few of the main ones:

Am I the only one who thought the whole Starbuck-Apollo bullshit killed the third season? It was unbearable to see half of the damn season taken up by that, while you have the much more interesting eyepatch-Tigh resistance thing going on elsewhere.