Cliff Banuelos

Ted Baxter from the Mary Tyler Moore Show

Pretty sure that was an Umber getting his neck ripped and not a Karstark. Your review is now invalid!

okay, I'm liking the idea that Daario is the leader, or at least the person behind the Sons of the Harpies. He has given Daenerys some suspect advice and was key in keeping Barristan away from her and persuading him to take that walk of death. He was the last man back after that fight to take over Mereen (did he cut a

waitaminute, how do Glenn and Maggie get to take a half-hour hot water love shower? Don't they ration their water?! I'd be like, who the F used all the hot water?!

me lovey tonight's tale and I think many of you overthink and probably roll eyes at all new Doctor Who's.

Looks hella corny

wow, the Charlie Sheen roasters really missed out on this one.

Nobody in Hollywood is going to hug Jason again.

The love bond man thing between Master Shake and Meatwad will never be replaced or overturned, as in when I overturn a pancake, this will last forever and the Halls of Justice will reign upon Frylock and his greed of watching my television and he owes me a burrito, preferably with meat things in it!

The most obvious omission is Woody Boyd from Cheers. Losing Coach could have been devastating for the show and Woody filled his void. BJ Hunnicut from M.A.S.H. made up for the loss of Trapper John. But for me the greatest tv character who buoyed a show was Lennie Briscoe for Law & order.

I disagree with almost all of the reviewers conclusions. Why is this writer reviewing this show? He seems to truly dislike it.

That was a dire, boring half hour infested with miserable characters I don't care about except for maybe Ponch. The murder was hackneyed and befuddled. The only interesting thing about this episode was David Morse.

wait, they have helium in Alexandria?

Sasha is an angry person. Tyrese said he was worried about her anger taking control of her and she said she is nothing like her brother, who was very nice. Tyrese cared about what others thought of him but Sasha has always seemed indifferent toward other peoples feelings. I thought that scene with her in the party was

That's it. My youth is dead.

What was the deal with Eph and the drink? Not only do these writers know nothing about vampires, they understand less about alcoholics!

Bolivar dropping from the stage was all ROCK AND ROLL. He was all hands in the air, wooo weee.

I am so so hoping this will be the first television series that murders (in a horrific manner) the two main characters. "I'm in charge." Not any more, bozo.

Can someone please do a selfie with that long beautiful tongue?

That flashback scene made me spill my Natty Ice!