Cliff Banuelos

Yeah, I was like, "NO, NOT NORA, DAMN YOU, KHAN."

Nora is a the type of selfish, narcissistic person I despise in real life. Jeez, her mom is sweet and not *that* bad. In the "retirement" home she looked 10 years younger than the rest of the elders. Her mom has become an inconvenience to Nora, sorta like Nora was when she was an infant shitting all over herself. I

I think Latoya should be asked to be reassigned because she obviously does not like the tone of the show. I wonder if she liked Hellboy or Pacific Rim? Maybe she should read other reviews of the show to get a different perspective? My impression is that this reviewer is more suited to reviewing linear shows with more

Megan is envious of Stephanie because Don has let Stephanie into his life while Megan is pulling teeth to get anything out of him. "I know all of his secrets," was like a knife in the gut for Megan.

Grisela Gunderson dines alone tonight.

Right??? Rust should have bled out, there is no way he would not have bled out in real life.

oopsies. *drops penis pump*

Wait, so I never get to find out what happened between Rust and that chick he *almost* married?

I'm just here waiting for the True Detective review. It was either this or Looking and I do like that show but am worried my friends would see one of my positive comments and assume I'm gay. Where's the True Detective review?

Fist time watcher of this show (and that long 1-hour ketchup) and I am profoundly amazed and slightly naseuous by the level of writing and acting on this show. To call this show horrible would be an insult to the horrid, who are often at least entertaining. The only entertainment angle this show can latch onto is

"I get a similarly “ordinary” feel from tonight’s episode of True Detective. Ordinary compared to the rest of TV, not the rest of this show; assuming that next week’s finale doesn’t flub the landing,…"

A "C"? Seriously, you must be judging this show on a curve that only Rust Cohle could contemplate and you have to be higher than Ginger at a shotgun wedding to give this episode a "C"?

No, she was horny for the Toddster.

He didn't know until he saw Jesse. Vince G. (on Talking Bad) equated it to the Searchers when John Wayne finally sees Natalie Wood and decides not to kill her.

well she didn't know she was poisoned until Walt told her. I'm not saying she was looking forward to it, I'm saying it was a business decision she was not looking forward to (letting a penis invade her vagina).

I think it's implied that Lydia promised Todd a bangarama if he killed Walt. Her calling Todd while on her bed? "Is it done?" hmmmmm

Todd and Lydia: unrequited love.

I wouldn't trust Brock and the Peekaboo Kid around Lydia's daughter. Bad idea.

That was the greatest season finale since Beverly Hills 90210!

LOL, oh that crazy Todd. At least he has a new girlfriend. :)