
No. You would rather know her in real life. That's different.

Wait, that was supposed to be a burn on Adam on something ? Because irrational, violent fits of temper ARE hilarious. It's like, the second most basic comedy thing after the letter k.

My understanding was that she thought they were normal cups with chocolate on them, but not actually made of chocolate.

Well, 12th century is about where France starts to exist as a country. The battle of Bouvines (victory against the English) is certainly one where you can talk about a French army. Of course it is composed of men loyal to a bunch of different lords, but they fought as a unified front against the English. Then there's

Yeah I've seen the gif, I originally used another kodama related one but the still version of this is so small it works everywhere. Don't worry about it, I don't actually post a lot here, it just startled me.

Avatar stealer !

I don't know, but the whole "surrender monkeys" is based on the amazing sample of 1 war, so I'd say I like the 800 years better comparatively.

HitFix had Breaking Bad as number 1 by a lot in their critic's poll, and I think both Alan and Dan had it at n°1 (not sure though).

While you guys are right that it is somewhat of a plot vs character discussion, there is also something else that distinguishes the Moffat era from the RTD era.

It's not like Nightmare in Silver is horrible though. It's flawed but interesting. Unlike most episodes of the Steven Moffat era, it actually strives for greatness, rather than just settling for pretty good.

Let's be clear : Martha is bland and uninteresting. She's still better than Donna though (bring the downvotes people).

I think Moffat has more very good episodes, but RTD has the best episode of the whole series (well, the modern one) : Midnight.
Basically if I had to do a top 10 of Newho episodes, it would probably have 6 or 7 Moffat episodes and only 2 RTD ones, but Midnight would be on top.

Disagree about Father's Day (it's ok but I'm not a big fan) but Dalek is just amazing. At least as good, if not better, than the Moffat double-episode you mention (The Empty Child).

It really isn't. I mean, obviously it's startling now (don't get me wrong, I actually hat to rewind a couple times in the pilot to make sure that's what she was saying because it horrified me), but calling your spouse "baby" is unbelievably creepy as well if you think about it for a second.

But, what about the Mr. Pink argument (I'm being serious here, I'm European and don't get the whole automatic tipping thing) ? Surely the people who serve you at MacDonalds or wherever aren't better paid than waiters, are they ?


I think he meant that he was
1) A prostitute
2) A gay man
3) Um… usually the passive one ?

Also, it was a funny scene, and had relevance to the difficulties of the study, and the reasons why he ended up deciding to drop the brothel study altogether.

That is true, and indeed a double standard. Now if we could get people to stop talking about the fact that we need penises on our televisions and focus on that, that'd be great.

I imagine his encounter with Akerman's character would be somewhat awkward…