Oh no, I killed Wilson!
Oh no, I killed Wilson!
I was really upset that you can't mix the seltzer with various flavors… but then I realized that's just a normal drink.
I was really upset that you can't mix the seltzer with various flavors… but then I realized that's just a normal drink.
One thing that makes the Olympics great is that it's the only time you will ever hear the phrase "Here come the Latvians!"
One thing that makes the Olympics great is that it's the only time you will ever hear the phrase "Here come the Latvians!"
Is it just me, or did the women's marathon get no attention at all? I thought it was kind of a big-deal event, but it wasn't mentioned anywhere and nobody seems to care. Granted, the U.S. was somewhat awful, and any time Russia gets 3rd place in a marathon, something's probably wrong … but still.
Is it just me, or did the women's marathon get no attention at all? I thought it was kind of a big-deal event, but it wasn't mentioned anywhere and nobody seems to care. Granted, the U.S. was somewhat awful, and any time Russia gets 3rd place in a marathon, something's probably wrong … but still.
Commence Hybridizing AV Club Meme:
Commence Hybridizing AV Club Meme:
@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus Yeah man, screw Thracians. Dalmacians too! Phrygians 4 LIFE!
@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus Yeah man, screw Thracians. Dalmacians too! Phrygians 4 LIFE!
Is that not mainly "The Cremation of Sam McGee?" Which is excellent and should be required reading for all school-age children?
Is that not mainly "The Cremation of Sam McGee?" Which is excellent and should be required reading for all school-age children?
I hope he remembers the patriotism, pepper, and professionalism. Also that pterodactyls are good dinosaurs to mention to kids.
I hope he remembers the patriotism, pepper, and professionalism. Also that pterodactyls are good dinosaurs to mention to kids.
@avclub-1441762ea1630bc0605fdcef3984e996:disqus You watch your ass…
@avclub-1441762ea1630bc0605fdcef3984e996:disqus You watch your ass…