jon stewart booze explosion

Used to work?

Somehow seems as if I should chime in here…

I'm probably reading far too much into all of this, but that sequence totally made me think of Fellini and how he incorporated criticism about his work into his subsequent films, therefore both acknowledging and enabling himself to comment on/respond to said criticism on his own terms.

Not going to quibble with grades
because that's both stupid and an exercise in futility, but this episode was an A for me.

Mike's cough
Probably nothing, but it seemed a *little* bit like it could be foreshadowing/callback to Walt's coughing in the first season.

Some of you dipshits clearly didn't even read what I wrote.
Thanks to those of you who responded intelligently. I definitely watched with expectations that were probably far too high since I had seen this on a number of "best of the year" and then later "best of the decade" lists (including from our beloved AV

This may start a shitstorm flamewar
But I feel like I'm the only person in the goddam world who thinks Oldboy fucking sucks. Not "I thought it was icky", it SUCKS. The vaunted hallway scene? I was actually laughing at how clumsily it was choreographed. The big twists(s) were glaringly obvious the moment he walked

They could do a Cary Grant thing - Don discovers LSD. Might come off as too unrealistic, though.

That's pretty accurate, narrator.

Pop Pop horny, Michael.

Which version of Lucy Lui? I'm partial to the Motorhead cover, myself.

You mean it gets WORSE? I had never had any interest at all in either the book or the movie, but found a copy of the hardcover in a discard pile after a yard sale and figured "this was supposed to be good, why not". I've gotten as far as the rape and goddam this shit is boring. I just can't make myself give a shit

It's even less complicated than that. If I remember correctly, in New York state it's only first degree murder if you kill a cop. Random trivia I learned back in Crim Law which is essentially useless to me since I practice law in Illinois.
An argument could be made that it was in fact premeditated since he came out

The Information wins. Game over.

Rushdie is one of my favorite authors, but I think he's lost the spark from Fury on, though Shalimar the Clown didn't suck nearly as hard as Fury did. Haven't read this latest yet, of course. I've read The Satanic Verses twice, and I don't think it's the best jumping-off point. The one that got me digging into the

Agreed, Wipeout is hilarious. This Bieber kid though? Creeps me the fuck out.

Perfectly put, Larry.

Actually, Neko Case by Debra Granik (Winter's Bone) could be amazing.

Indeeeeed should have written the LOST finale. (Yah, I went there)

Dammit, OSD's comment made me laugh out loud, and then in my head Poop T's catchy little diddy was sung in my head by Krusty. The original bassist for one of my favorite bands just died, what the hell is wrong with me??