jon stewart booze explosion

Buckfast - holy fuck. I haven't thought of that shit since I moved back to the States. Just thinking of it has given me a pounding headache and blurred vision.

Michael Bay's Fortress of Solitude would be a match made in heaven for me, since I hated that book so much it actually made me angry.

girl crush
I want to be Neko Case.

PJ Harvey and Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros
I missed PJ Harvey at the Double Door in Chicago because my very clingy boyfriend at the time didn't want to go, and I stupidly skipped seeing Joe and co one of the first times they played out because I told myself I had to focus on writing my Master's thesis and I'd catch

Amen. Amen.

The Roots
are fucking amazing.

hey, chicken
The only thing Mark Wahlberg-related that I want more of is Andy Samberg pretending to be Mark Wahlberg talking to animals.

Liam Neeson fucking rules. I kinda want to see A-Team, though will probably only do so on one of those hot summer days when you go see whatever crap at the movies just to get some A/C. My mom never let me watch A-Team, so when I got to see it at a friend's house, I felt like I was getting away with something. She

I prefer my masochism to be fun, thanks anyway.

They actually included a good song on this otherwise pile of dreck? My world view is now turned upside-down.

For my money hell yeah, and would be even if he wasn't Russian mob. The final scene where he has clearly killed his way into the "new" godfather role, or whatever the Russian term is - fucking chilling and stayed with me a long time.
And that fight scene was so well done I didn't even have time to be distracted by

Wasn't Sorkin fired from his own show for doing too much coke, a la Shane being fired from the Pogues (though that was for smack)?
In which case, probably pretty terrifying.

I used to hang out with someone who worked in the Playboy offices. One of her duties was to open the mail, and she said the unsolicited photo submissions were strangely fascinating at first, but got old real quick.

Well, he is a creepy-ass weaselly-looking guy.

Eh, hoser, there's a mouse in my beer.

To make my pastry puffs, I'm going to use puff pastry!"
Make it stop, please, I'm gonna pee my pants laughing…

A lot of the food on Diners Drive-ins and Dives looks good, but I can't stand that guy. For a while there, it seemed like he was the only one left working for Food Network.

The morning after our first night together a guy I used to date told me he had Hand in Hand stuck in his head. I should have run like hell.

It doesn't matter, I'll probably get hit by a car anyway.