Jon Snow

Less applicable?  There are now more thrones and more plots than ever before.  I'd argue it gets even more appropriate as the series continues.

Name of the Wind and A Wise Man's Folly are pretty good. Wheel of Time is similar in that it is sort of a sweeping epic told through a rotating group of point of view characters. It isn't quite as dark and brutal as Ice and Fire but it is almost as fun to read. It's like 12 books with one more on the way though, so

The first book
wasn't so bad. Then they started dragging a bit.

"Cry havoc and let slip the hogs of war."
"It's dogs of War."
"Whatever farm animal, Lana."

Eddie Dean, that is the nerdiest combination of name and comment possible. It's science. Nerdy, nerdy science. Also, Magic is great. This too, is science.

Great Invention of the 21st Century…
Or Greatest Invention of the 21st Century?

Mega-gigbytes son!

The sequel will take sudden turn for the religious in "Kosher Salt."

The answer is DVR. Just get really fucking behind and save up like 20 or 30 episodes. Then you can just pretend kids' week never happened at all!



Leela, you're obviously confused and aroused.

You have.

I own that movie and I'm not sorry.

Unless the fans who started it were Philly natives. Which is likely. On the other hand, Philly criminals have no time for crimes like teenage rioting. Anything less than killing policemen is a sign of weakness around here.

Mongoloid isn't really racist. Just horribly offensive. Look it up.

Funny? Yes. Acting? Not really.

Everyone's favorite Winnie the Pooh character should be Eyeore. And not the "I'm-a-little-sad" Disney Eyeore. The near-suicidally-depressed-bitter-and-angry Eyeore.

It's threads like these that get me excited to go to the library and I'm not afraid to admit it.

Song of Ice and Fire
My name might give this away but I recommend these books to everyone, and I recommend them to you. They are excellent and compelling and dark and fun. If you like reading, read these.