
Refreshing to see a different portrayal of latino for once. Yes, there are very rich Latin kids in the US.

So why did Patrick keep his shirt on when having sex? I guess it because they didn't want to show the 'escapulario' before the end of the scene, but it still feels weird. Then again, Kevin had already seen him sans shirt during the Folsom Fair episode.

"I can pay for half of it"

He's all about dividing up his life. Some things are appropriate ONLY in certain places. He's sort of an hypocrite that way.

This episode crushed me and then crushed me again.
It's too real, people.Too real.

*jumps up and down* *Tries to hold back tears* *cries*

Just watched the preview from next week's episode.

It was condescending, that's what it was. Everybody's talking about how "perfect" Kevin is but that moment really gave him other colors, very pretentious, awful colors.

Doris is so over the top I want to light her on fire.

I myself am latin (El Salvador) so I completely understand. I liked the "hermano" touch. It's always bothered me how that word is used to denote closeness even when people are being bitches to you (or ordering you around, or demeaning you or whatever).

You're boyfriend is from El Salvador? Me too!
I can't stress enough how much racism exists here between "white" salvadorans and "brown" salvadorans. It's palpable and permeates everywhere in society.

That was Dom's coworker. It was a hilarious touch and it was wonderful they kept it in the background.

Don't get me wrong, I like "all of the above", I was just stating my preference. BUT-When I'm in love I make it my duty to give blow jobs diligently, to completion.

I didn't yell, but I put my hands up to my head in frustration. I hated that moment, hated it.

I hope he shows up naked.

It is white-centric but it's getting everything perfectly, I think. I especially loved the bit when Richie and Augie (I'll call him that just because he hates it) are speaking and Richie talks to him in spanish and Augie answers in English. I've had that happen to me many times with latin people in the US

It depends. I like getting blow jobs, but I love rimming someone else. The opposite doesn't thrill me as much.

This kind of episode is necessary, though. It needs to advance the plot significantly so it can let others breathe and connect emotionally. I still thought it was well-balanced, and I'm anxiously awaiting what's going to happen at the wedding, and if Richie goes at all.

Kevin and John fucking must be insanely hot. If I had been Patrick, I would've been floored at the realization that my workplace crush is with this gorgeous man.

"I'm in".
I am hereby declaring that this show should be submitted in Drama for the Emmys.