
Next season Ginsberg and Dawn will be the only ones left. And I'd totally watch that.

"No one’s going to die,” says the most spoiler averse showrunner on television.

I would like to nominate Ethan Rayne from Buffy.

Did the Grandma Ida scenes remind anyone else of the early scenes from Dave's carjacking/kidnapping on Six Feet Under?

Now that Joanna Newsom and Andy Samberg are getting married, I'd really like to see them collaborate creatively. The biggest problem with this song is that it's not a twelve minute harp ballad.

"Can he swing from a web? No, he can't, he's a pig."

I want to go to there.

What?!?! The hot one is leaving? Can he take Marnie with him?

Slap that shit on kickstarter. Raise a couple million dollars. Just sayin…

I will say that diving is one of my favorite Olympic sports. I mean, you've got guys who look like David Boudia wearing speedos, climbing stairs in speedos, swimming in speedos, showering in speedos, standing around in speedos. I think there might be some kind of competition involved, too…

I wanna like my little pony, but I'm gay, and all the ponies are girls, so really, what's the point?

You know me too well.

Thank god for these recaps, I did not have it in me to watch this episode all the way through.

If Matthew Weiner weren't so tightlipped about spoilers…

Thanks, Sean, now all I can think about is Jon Hamm's penis.

I thought that, too.

And now, apparently, will.

I think they could live a long, happy, shallow, shitty life together. Preferably on a different show, far away from Girls.

Isolation can be a symptom of depression. It becomes a vicious cycle.

Thank you for pointing this out, @avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus ! It's very hard to understand mental illness for those who haven't experienced it, and this "just cheer up" attitude (which I got from my professors and advisors before I dropped out of college from depression) only adds shame and guilt