
I think Adam is just as self-absorbed in bed.

I agree, I thought he was just trying to light a fire under her ass, which works with some people but totally backfired with Hannah.

Girls has been exploring the weird line between romantic and codependent since the first episode, when Marnie hands Charlie her retainer.

Thanks! The 'kindred spirit' aspect has been at the tip of my tongue, thanks for pinpointing it for me and for reminding me that Adam already knows about her OCD, which I think is really important.
This isn't just straight up rescue fantasy (although it is), it's about one broken person, recognizing that another person

Adam should have talked to Natalia about what he wanted to do before he did it, he should have asked her what she was willing to try and what she was interested in trying, and how the things he wanted to do would make them both feel. A list of "won'ts" and "can'ts" would have been a really good idea. Without talking

I agree that it won't last. 
I have no idea what fucked Adam up (I'd like to know), but I disagree that these characters are incapable of change, or that people in RL don't change at all. I think there are limits to how much people change, and the types of change they are capable of, but I do think that Hannah and Ray

I found that scene incredibly romantic! I briefly, irrationally fell in love with Adam watching him run to her, his panic and concern.

I probably missed it cause I was high.

I was incredibly moved by the final scenes with Adam & Hannah tonight, and by everything that happened to Hannah tonight. I saw real growth in Hannah's scene with Laird. Everything he said to her was perfect, almost on the nose, and she seemed to understand and feel genuine remorse.

That episode would have been so much better with Shosh instead of Hannah!

A great moment for 3rd (?) wave feminism.

Also, maybe I missed it, but I don't think the white male familiar was wearing a color.

This is a legit question that really bugged me during the show.


Maybe they're relationship got amazing in the last season which I haven't watched yet, but I'd rank V&S above them.

It would be like learning there was no Santa Claus, except with something that mattered.

You know who should host the Oscars? Lena Dunham.

Also, every time I see the Venture Bros episode "Victor Echo November" I think of this show.

Victor & Sierra are one of my favorite TV romances of all time!

I never said he wasn't, just that his post VM career has been lackluster.