
My new-jerk reaction is to roll my eyes about this, but the live-action Cinderella with Cate Blanchett was a huge improvement on the source material, imho, so I'm cautiously optimistic.

I just want the Cool Kids back, especially Buck.

He's been growing on my during rewatches, tbh.

Also futuristic dystopias. #TeamPeeta

Also, Steven taking over that watermelon's body lead directly to that watermelon's death, since Steven didn't know to play Nose Goes.

It had to be a deliberate homage.

Oooh, if we're dragging our parents, my dad hated Princess Mononoke (and I still haven't quite forgiven him).

I'm glad someone else had the guts to say that Barry Lyndon fucking sucked.

Yeah, but, you know, season 3 and stuff.

This was a serious missed opportunity IMHO. This could have been an opportunity to teach boys & young men that women and relationships aren't games, that sex isn't a reward for being "nice" or enacting certain types of behavior, a widespread belief among MRAs, PUAs and other neanderthals.

That… was pretty good, yeah.

I miss Ugly Americans.

I guess this means Rubicon really isn't coming back.

Mad props for including Invasion and Rubicon. Those cancellations still sting!

This will be awful, but I will watch it to make fun of clothes because that is my duty as a homosexual.

Anyone else getting tired of Scarlett's "best friend" repeatedly being referred to as such, and the clunky exposition to remind us that Scarlett had a best friend who we've never heard of before but has apparently been around this whole time?

I thought the same thing. Died in a plane crash is TV code for "faked death."

I was really and truly certain, when Peggy was sitting in Don's office, staring out the window, in that lingering shot, that we were gonna see Don's body falling down.

So, what you're saying is, now, instead of being sad when I see the dog, I'll want to punch it in the face?

That's too bad, the original songs on Nashville make me think I might actually like country music.