
I am jealous of Lena Dunham because she is famous and has her own TV show. And I don't get upset when people criticize the show, I think a lot of the criticism is really, really interesting.

I agree that Marnie is thoroughly terrible (my general reaction to her is the one Michael Bluth has to Ann Veal), but I like the rest of them. I think Dunham is great and Zosia Mamet is criminally underused.

I would like to see how Inara handles Adam though.

Though I wouldn't call Girls my favorite show on TV, it's far and away the one I think about most in between viewings. It's the only show I read about on sites beyond the avclub, and the one I'm most likely to talk about with my friends.

Feminist Vigilante Gangs will murder you all in your sleep. But I swear I didn't sic 'em on you.

Especially when it's not just "let's slap a minority in there, but write them like they're white because that's easier than thinking outside our own perspective or hiring minority writers."

I would humbly suggest retconning Wash back into the film.



It's certainly more consistent and (oddly) less cartoonish.

I would rather give money for more Terriers than for more VMar, because Terriers didn't last long enough to go down hill.

Giving Jason Dohring a job totally counts as charity.

Don't trash talk Dax Shepard until you've watched Parenthood. Just sayin.

Sometimes I forget that John Malkovich's first name isn't "Being"

There is no explanation for why that made me as happy as it did.

Who works a fat suit better: Max Greenfield or Jamie Bamber?

Thank you for posting this, it was my favorite line of the episode.

The one with a cameo in Scott McCloud's book?

Is it like SMASH, but from the point of view of the lighting director?