
Is it like SMASH, but from the point of view of the lighting director?

Go read his incredibly depressing wikipedia page.

Sigh, I miss Fresh Fields. Fondest childhood memories raiding those free samples.

I didn't see the comparisons, but I do love Joanna Newsom and I did like this song, and I probably wouldn't have listened to it if it weren't for the comparison, so I'm not bitter.

Are really people ever as stupidly sentimental about physical things as TV characters are?

This episode made me realize just how much i dislike George and Dallas as a couple, and also Mr. Wolfe in general.

Mazel Tov to your friend!

I've never read an F review that was so positive before.

I don't think I made it that far, lol.

When they finally finish retooling Up All Night, it will be Terriers, so they can put it out of its misery.

Three episodes in, it's going to be revealed that Williams is a Demon, this is all a dream and Buffy will finally escape from that insane asylum.

Her best just isn't very good (unless she's playing Faith, which she did for every single character on Dollhouse)

But not based on the comics.

I have been scouring the interwebs for years looking for the unaired episodes of Pasadena (http://www.imdb.com/title/t… starring Dana Delaney and Philip Baker Hall. It was the first prime time soap I ever watched, and of course, Fox cancelled it after four episodes (#StoryOfMyLife). I can't seem to find it anywhere

James Franco's Gay Town is not nearly as titillating as I was hoping it would be.

I loved Mel's little rant about going to prom in jeans and not having to put out for a lobster dinner.

Mine too, it will totally piss off all my Marxist friends.

There is some sarcasm, but I also visit the avclub every day, and get almost all of my entertainment news here, read reviews obsessively, occasionally converse in the comments thread if it's not too overwhelming.

For some reason, I just assumed that Sufjan Stevens would be on this list, because you'd think in a title like "The Black Hawk War, or, How to Demolish an Entire Civilization and Still Feel Good About Yourself in the Morning, or, We Apologize for the Inconvenience but You're Going to Have to Leave Now, or, 'I Have

That's why I like it here. We have our priorities straight.