
I firmly agree, Misha Collins is a national treasure. Nic Cage should hunt him down in his next movie.

I might actually start watching Colbert again for this.

I might actually start watching Colbert again for this.

Hey, I'm just throwing this out there… could Wreston be Leslie's long lost father? There was something odd about him…

Hey, I'm just throwing this out there… could Wreston be Leslie's long lost father? There was something odd about him…

Whipping cream is for waffles. Shaving cream is for faces. Thems the rules.

Whipping cream is for waffles. Shaving cream is for faces. Thems the rules.

I had to stop and think for a minute, "Who the fuck is Mark?"

I had to stop and think for a minute, "Who the fuck is Mark?"

I really enjoyed the sight of Snow kicking ass in her school marm cardigan.

I really enjoyed the sight of Snow kicking ass in her school marm cardigan.

Is it weird that the Seinfeld music and laugh track made all the production values look worse?

Is it weird that the Seinfeld music and laugh track made all the production values look worse?

Every time I watch Arrested Development now, all I can think about is how underused she is!

Every time I watch Arrested Development now, all I can think about is how underused she is!

I loved the AVClub crossword and will certainly miss it in the print version.

I loved the AVClub crossword and will certainly miss it in the print version.

Given the direction this show is going, probably both :P

Given the direction this show is going, probably both :P

I thought the Lisa takes over the KKK plotline could have been amazing, I really wanted to see lisa transform them into clones of her. Totally wasted. 
The Dalia plot was underwritten, too.
And just to repeat what every one else has been saying, yeah, the choir was dumb as shit.