
I thought the Lisa takes over the KKK plotline could have been amazing, I really wanted to see lisa transform them into clones of her. Totally wasted. 
The Dalia plot was underwritten, too.
And just to repeat what every one else has been saying, yeah, the choir was dumb as shit.

She wasn't saying Kaddish, just a generic prayer opening.

She wasn't saying Kaddish, just a generic prayer opening.

I laughed harder rewatching that clip for the umpteenth time than I did in this entire episode.

I laughed harder rewatching that clip for the umpteenth time than I did in this entire episode.

"as though the writers are trying to one-up each other to see which one can get the most fucked-up material on the air." I'm almost certain this is what they do. I'd do it, too, if I were them.

"as though the writers are trying to one-up each other to see which one can get the most fucked-up material on the air." I'm almost certain this is what they do. I'd do it, too, if I were them.

In the 2005 movie Heights (http://www.imdb.com/title/t…, two SNL writers at a cocktail party pitch a sketch based entirely on the premise that "anything sounds funny with an Australian accent." Boy did SNL prove them wrong.

In the 2005 movie Heights (http://www.imdb.com/title/t…, two SNL writers at a cocktail party pitch a sketch based entirely on the premise that "anything sounds funny with an Australian accent." Boy did SNL prove them wrong.

Now that Disney owns the rights to Star Wars, what do you think the chances are that Boba Fett will wind up in Storybrook if the show lasts long enough to jump the shark?

Now that Disney owns the rights to Star Wars, what do you think the chances are that Boba Fett will wind up in Storybrook if the show lasts long enough to jump the shark?

Was it just me, or did Alan Cummings just say "cunt-solation prize" to Kristin Chenowith (around minute 13)?

Was it just me, or did Alan Cummings just say "cunt-solation prize" to Kristin Chenowith (around minute 13)?

I thought her delivery was very odd and deliberate, too. Tranqs would be a good explanation. I hope this doesn't turn into another demonize-the-mentally-ill plot line though.

I thought her delivery was very odd and deliberate, too. Tranqs would be a good explanation. I hope this doesn't turn into another demonize-the-mentally-ill plot line though.

I'm just waiting for Emily or Victoria (but more likely Nolan) to say, "My plan is sheer elegance in its simplicity."

I'm just waiting for Emily or Victoria (but more likely Nolan) to say, "My plan is sheer elegance in its simplicity."

It was a funny joke, but after a couple episodes of people addressing that baby as "opus" I'm beginning to like it as a name.

It was a funny joke, but after a couple episodes of people addressing that baby as "opus" I'm beginning to like it as a name.

Agreed, it seemed sadistic more than tactical. I'm not sure what would have been different (in terms of machinations) if she'd told the truth.