How got in my pajamas, I'll never know.
How got in my pajamas, I'll never know.
The Dark Knight isn't the only thing that rises, ifyaknowwhatImean. I mean my attraction to Anne Hathaway. As illustrated by my erection.
Your move, O'Neal.
Another case of guys going nuts over a women's breasts, while seeming to not notice that they have really nice legs. I call it "Katy Perry Syndrome".
Taft can dig it*
I work in a Native American casino, and one of the main reasons I don't call it an Indian casino, is several coworkers are actual Indians. As in people from India. Side note: they make me want to stop by India if I ever tour Asia, because they are beautiful women.
"…and treat people with kindness anywhere I go."
"Take that, Guernica…coffee cup!"
Made all the funnier by Bolt being an awesomely-named sprinter, not a miler.
Age of consent actually varies from state to state, going down to 16 and possibly younger (I don't feel like looking it up). But a TV show broadcast nationwide, and many subsequent internet comments, wait til 18 to be safe. It can get pretty stupid, though.
I've never actually watched Father Ted; I only know of that scene from A.V. Club comments. It's possible I learned it from you!
"Down with this sort of thing!"
I want John Hawkes to win an Emmy for this, and I want the clip they show to be him arguing across the table while gesturing with that dildo. I don't even know if they show clips when announcing Best Male Guest Appearance in a Comedy, but that's what I want.
It's a good thing I didn't read this a tween, or it might start the beginning of a life-long fetish of cute girls disguised as Civil War soldiers. Though I ended up with the hot-chick-dressed-like-a-guy fetish anyway. I saw "One Of The Guys" when I was 12-13 years old
Have mercy!
"Don't do what Donny Don't does."
They probably won't allow three-breasted nudity in a film a lot of kids might see. All three breasts should be covered by a gold bikini.
Okay, I respect Cobie Smulders' smoking-hot-nitude as much as anyone, but who's implying Taran isn't attractive enough for her? He's handsome, looks good shirtless without being too cut, and is downright sexy while dancing in the Le Jeunes de Paris sketches. Plus all the charm and humor.
"Karate monkey, my ass" is a better punchline. There's also the smuttier "voodoo dildo" version