Dex Dynamo

This show just seems so unrealistic to me. I mean, what kind of company would take a beloved superhero and reboot them into some sort of unrecognizable, grim-and-gritty mess?



Welp, I'M pregnant.


It's everything I possibly wanted out of Captain America: The Movie.

That doesn't instil much faith in their directing skills, I'll tell you that much.

What's community?

Are you kidding? I laughed from beginning to end!


Totally, bro, fiction is totally useless. Most of it never even happened.

Ex-FUCKING-cuse me, MR. LAIRD. There WERE five Turtles in that jar, or ARE YOU FORGETTING ONE VENUS DE MILO?

So is this where we start doing the fan videos and twitter hashtags? How many of the 32,000 comments are each of us required to write on this thread? #74SeasonsAndAReboot

5-dollar lunch menu, y'all! Looks like I know where I'M goin'!

I'm really excited about the new all-ages Superman comic.

Central time!? More like MENSTRUAL time!

I got my wife on-board with the AD&D episode as well. And it's not a super complicated episode, or full of terribly clever in-the-know references, or anything like that—Dan Harmon raised the point in his run-down of season 2, it's structurally speaking the standard issue sitcom poker episode, with the simplest

Where is my Aneurin Barnad/Benedict Cumberbatch buddy cop comedy?

Well that just makes me want a supervillain team-up with Crime Doctor, Crime Tailor, Crime Lawyer, Crime Human Resources exec (who of course runs a temp agency devoted to hiring costumed henchmen), et al.

Honestly, I'm not enamored with the idea of Benedict Cumberbatch as the Master, I think it's too obvious. I get it, the same guy does both shows… ehh. I like Cumberbatch, I just don't feel the same magic the Internet seems to at the idea.