Dex Dynamo

Agreed, Walk Hard's lack of nominations is a shame. Reilly sounds great on the entire record, and the songs themselves are some of the best stylistic parodies I've ever heard.

If you like Austin's podcast, I highly recommend Colt Cabana's Art of Wrestling as well. It tends to bring out a different dynamic, it's more "people in the weird world of pro wrestling hanging out after hours," but it's similarly enlightening, and I think, similarly newbie-friendly.

I thought it was Chick Mangeone!

At least we never have to expect the same sort of deception from an honest man like Cena.

Taffy butt! (You have a)
Taffy butt!
I want that Taffy butt!

Have Taker take the first bully he sees on a motorcycle ride into Death
Valley. Because, you see, Taker knows Taker can handle it. But the only
things that can survive that desert are the snakes and the lizards…
the cold blooded.

I was a little disappointed when he opened the urn, and the soul of Paul Bearer didn't come out.

I've never thought Soap Opera was the right way to describe Pro Wrestling, though, despite how often people use it. It's really closer to a live action cartoon/superhero comic, with its Good Guy/Bad Guy Themes, and the way the storylines are carefully structured around fight scenes, crossovers, or both.

That RAW was outstanding.

It's worth pointing out the guy in those pictures looks like he has a moustache, and the background in the front picture looks remarkably like Disney's "Florida Project" conference room.

She's totally Oracle, right down to her little Clocktower-esque computer room. Even the way she's generally shot (her interactions with Walter aside), she's almost always seen sitting in the chair. It just seems so damn obvious.

Hopefully they learn from the mistakes of the last one. I mean, you don't just turn on a hot tub and it's immediately hot!

Also, I highly recommend "Gerald Comes Over" to go with "Four-eyed Jack"—it introduces a lot of little things that Four-Eyed Jack revisits, as well as the first detailed look at the other boarders in the house.

So was Stoop Kid homeless? Why couldn't he go inside the house? I mean, I assume he never went inside—he had a fridge and TV outside, and showered with the hose.

The Yellow No is for the loading and unloading of passengers. Please use the White No for the loading and unloading of bladders.

Confused? You won't be, after this week's episode of…

Confused? You won't be, after this week's episode of…

My wife and I have developed the following theory: Smoak's hunting down this conspiracy is going to end very badly—probably with her in a wheelchair. And then at some point (probably 2nd season), she, Helena, and, reluctantly, Laurel, are going to need to team up to accomplish some sort of mission.

My wife and I have developed the following theory: Smoak's hunting down this conspiracy is going to end very badly—probably with her in a wheelchair. And then at some point (probably 2nd season), she, Helena, and, reluctantly, Laurel, are going to need to team up to accomplish some sort of mission.

The '77 Hobbit, specifically. Admittedly, there was no ST preview because the movie wouldn't come out for two years, but damnit, @avclub-517d97b17c77bf9ad730910ce9d5ef69:disqus could dream!