
I'm not sure what Bey was trying for in these CGI eyesores, but I don't remember having the same negative reaction to the 1990 movie's vision of the Turtles as I do have here. Perhaps it was because the older version looked like they had just stumbled off the set of the TV series Dinosaurs. (Seriously, put a mask on

I don't watch Cameron's movies in order to see the man himself. I won't say he's totally hideous, but he does look like the missing member of the Bee Gees … in post-rehab shame phase. If only he had digitally removed his face and added someone more pleasing to the eye … Beaker from the Muppet Show, for example, I

“An attempt that Mr. Solo himself would surely admire” … because referencing 1970s Han Solo's light-hearted sexism played for laughs is a good thing? Please, Dowd, don’t tell me you’re an emotionally stunted 42-year old, since just by that nod to Han you're summoning up the soon-to-be ghost of the man who thought

It’s still early Friday for me, so I’ve yet to go out and see GoG, but I can’t be a bit surprised at the grade it’s been given. Does it really suck that much? Yes, yes, I know different hired AV guns give different letter grades when reviewing but still, in the world that is the AV CLUB (why else do I give them my

I know there's two posters for this movie, the original "Words Spinning Down the Drainpipe" 1970s pic and then the "Eye of Sauron" posed over a rather familiar looking blue-white planet with the Cygnus in the foreground version … Why, exactly, did some Disney ex think turning the black hole into a pupil right about to

The made-up one no one can call him out on?

And yet all of the Top 10 Best Sci-Fi Movies of All Time are bad with science, so why pick out this one? Star Wars? Star Trek? 2001? Independence Day? They're all ghastly humorous when it comes to science. "I'm sorry Dave, puppets? Your post makes no sense."

Because the actors didn't like the suits designed for them, so they decided to go without. But complaining about lack of space suits is like complaining that the movie was ripped off from 1940s Fantasia … either you get what Disney was trying for or you don't. I always had more problems with ESP-sensitive scientist

WHOVIAN, I love you, I've been following your responses and snips for a long time … so, thank you for commenting on what I wrote, and in the same breath, you are soooo missing the point. I know it's bad karma to tell a Time Lord that, but I wasn't born when It! or Planet! came out, though I was around to be scared by

Dear Memory Wipe:

I loooved the Clone Wars series, if, for no other reason than it gave us the bald, bleached badness that is Asajj Ventress. However it also created an even bigger plot-hole that no one has been able to explain to me: how does General Anakin, someone so trusted by the Jedi Council as to lead whole battalions and have


Oddly enough "Palestinian college students and teachers" still have very little say in American politics, movie criticism and foreign policy. Perhaps one day they will and then your POV will be taken into consideration. Cheers!

All movies like this do is remind me how close gorillas are to extension. Ten years ago there were almost 1200 Mountain Gorillas in Africa. Now there are less than 780 and the number keeps going down. That isn't to say they can't become embarrassing, half-assed CGI villains, like the super-intelligent sharks in Deep

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Does Beegly Beagly have a cameo appearance in this one? I've been waiting years for someone to scream, "YEOW! It's a gorill-ill-ill-ill-la!" in one of these movies and no one ever does … b#stards.

A movie where Ben Rosenfield, Gregg Sulkin and Nicola Peltz all die graphically from tuberculosis? Excellent!

Now if Rob's character was the gay best friend who accidentally bumped into the girl's lovely lady lumps that face would be perfect because that's not an orgasm/phuck face, that's a "Girls have Cooties! I can't believe what I just touched! Gross!" face. I can buy the idea she's horny and that he's never had

"Awakening one morning to find his mother staring at his soiled jockey shorts …" while he is still wearing them? How often does this woman hang out in her son's darkened bedroom while he sleeps? … staring … staring …Or did he simply toss his soggy, sopping shorts against the wall to see how long they'd stick there,

There are days when I wish we all wrote in Scottish vernacular: