
Obscure. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Where's Kang and Kodos? Dr. Nick? Bleeding Gums Murphy? AV Club editors write these articles as if they just discovered the show, because after 25 years Disco Stu is not obscure. Disco Shrew, though, is.

"I've done everything the Bible says, even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff!"

Big Adventure, Big Eyes, Big Fish … who allows Tim to pick his own movie titles?

If our war movies are to be believed, are men from Texas the only soldiers who suffer from PTSD? This isn't to take away from the suffering of Texans or men (unless they're one of the ex's that live in Texas) but you never see "American movies directed in this day and age" about, say, female soldiers from Scranton

unless you're a chair

It needs to be a story about a bunch of rag-tag rebels fighting against a tyrannical imperial war-machine. It needs to be recent enough for people to remember but blatant enough in its portrayal of the two sides that audiences will want to root for the underdog.

ya know, i sat through that movie because someone said david bowie kisses a dude …

Charlie Chaplin is quoted as saying that had he known of the true horrors of the concentration camps he never would have made The Great Dictator. While Kim isn't Hitler having him turn out to be a bro and secret softy is a little bizarre considering the horror stories of what Pyongyang does to their own people …

Please tell me that they kill off Radagast in this movie. Even more irritating than having the Great Goblin's chin look like a giant scrotum was a stoned wizard with bird sh+t all over his head intended as comedy relief. Radagast is Jackson's Jar-Jar Binx. I know there are folks who think Jar-Jar was what made the

That stoned wizard with bird sh+t on his head, Radagast, he is Jar-Jar Binx. There is something fundamentally sad about a story teller insisting on including a pointless character intended as comedy relief because it adds nothing to their story except to illustrate that the Hobbit would have been a better movie(s) if

When asked if she thought if universities stifle writers, Flannery O'Connor said that in her opinion they don't stifle enough of them. The same thing can be said of Canadian artists, since their government appears to write large checks to fund anyone. There is something to be said about knowing that, if it'll take me

But why? It's not like Johnson is actually getting paid for writing this.

Or that Anakin was a general who led armies and thwarted evil time and again and then suddenly was reduced to being played by Hayden Christensen. Seriously, if that's canon then canon has issues.

I shall return and weak my rewengey!

irascible love of smoking guns and meat … so this is The Birdcage 2?

You lost me at Dan Aykroyd. Blues Brothers 2000? Coneheads? Caddyshack II?

The film that gave us the band Camel Lips.

smell the glove

"… and it’s fine to have movies and shows religions full of bright, clear promise, because those fantasies offer, if nothing else, a marvelous blend of escapism and mirror, a way to remove ourselves from the now while at the same time remaining in the embrace of the modern irritants that make that removal so