
My brother went to Cal Arts during the 90s (I was lost in Peace Corps during all the fun) and tells of how Frank Oz would show up to lecture with Cookie Monster, more or less delivering an entire lecture as Cookie. There are many things I've missed out on during the last two decades that don't really bother me —- not

How does Anakin go from being a Jedi General of the Grand Army of the Republic with his own padawan during TCW to Hayden Christensen? Was TCW set in an alternative time-line or did Yoda simply forget that Anakin was constantly saving the Jedi order over and over?

The problem with making the Doctor sexual at any level is that it turns him into the stunted man-child of many a bad rom-com, he's Peter Pan who can't be bothered with his current companion because, "'I am good, aren't I?' crowed Peter." It's that the audience knows that the moment the Marthas and Donnas of the world

My complaint with the X-Files has nothing to do with the actors, it was Chris Carter who ultimately destroyed the show. Call it the "Curse of Narcissistic Baby Boomer" but at some point the man started to believe in the hype that he could both produce, write and direct the show, which made him a F-grade Oliver Stone

Of course Yoda would be a manipulative little d+ck to Luke, as he was to the entire Jedi Council and single-handedly led them to defeat. The dude couldn't detect a Sith Lord if he was standing right next to him, which apparently Palpatine did on numerous occasions. How he was qualified to be Jedi #1, let alone push a

Wow, to think that in the late 70s, at the height of funk and glam, Elektra Records found the most unfunky, uncampiest gay man possible and thought that they had a good deal. If your music is so bad that no one can tell that Peter Frampton and John Paul Jones are performing with you, your only other option is making

"the presence of hundreds of thousands of witches who can bend the laws
of physics to accomplish anything would be a big fucking deal with major
policy implications in this reality"

At first I thought that the line, "long stretches of mundanity, occasionally interrupted by a cheap shock," would brilliantly sum up almost all found-footage films I've seen over the years, then I realized it was being read by Mark Gatiss' Mycroft Holmes character, while talking about his love life, and that suddenly

Now if someone would only mak SNL's Il Returno de Hercules with Bill Murray as the sadly out of shape Hercules and Dana Carvey as the evil King Laetes.

Thank goodness that Eccelston's desire to avoid being type-cast as the reason he left the show paid off! because "comical dastardly villain" is much better than "beloved Time Lord of cult TV show."

thank you, that makes sense. i must have misheard what clara was saying.

How is the show going to handle the sexual tension between Doctor-and-companion now that we have someone who looks like he could be Clara's grandfather? Sure, the Doctor is over 900 years old, but at least he looked young when he was picking girls in their 20s to flirt and spend time with. Watching Smith run around

The squick factor for me won't be Capaldi's age, per se, but watching him flirt and romance Clara is going to be problematic … unless we're going back to calling his companion "my granddaughter."

I know it was declared late in the game that Clara has been with the Doctor(s) since the very beginning, helping him along, but that carries no emotional weight to it at all. It felt like something Moffett came up with at the last moment because he'd written himself into a corner. If Clara really had been such an

Poor Clara! I know loads of people loved seeing Amy show up at the end but I was just having 10th Doctor/ Martha Jones flash-backs when it became obvious that she'd never live up to the torch he carried for Rose, thus making all future interactions between them highly awkward. Remember, Clara, no matter how much you

Thank you ever so much for this explanation! It's been bugging me for a while. If the Teselecta had the power to mimic a Time Lord's ability to regenerate then, in effect, you have a perfect copy of the Doctor running about so why was this used only once and never used again? It was sort of like when it turned out

There was absolutely no reason other that it was a Christmas special and the BBC got to film for free on the backlot of Santa's Toy Shop. If the village had been called Guy Fawkes Night we'd be justifying the convoluted reasoning why that makes sense too.

This entire episode was filled with continuity errors that can only be answered with "either Moffett forgot or he couldn't be bothered." If the Time Lords can close the crack in the wall (the whole point of the doctor defending the town for 300 years) whenever they want why exactly did they pick Trenzalore and then

oi! you leave ALF alone!

worst … response … ever … explain!