
Of course it's only a matter of time before the inevitable porno spoof:

I was highly disappointed to find that there weren't any Mugwumps in this film. I thought David Cronenberg's vision of Naked Lunch was at least entertaining, watching Peter Weller trip on bug powder and typewriter cockroaches. But a serious take on On The Road sounds about as exciting as Mike Meyer's hep-cat poetry

I was highly disappointed to find that there weren't any Mugwumps in this film. I thought David Cronenberg's vision of Naked Lunch was at least entertaining, watching Peter Weller trip on bug powder and typewriter cockroaches. But a serious take on On The Road sounds about as exciting as Mike Meyer's hep-cat poetry

A white guy obsessed with the n-word? Hmm, this sounds familiar …

A white guy obsessed with the n-word? Hmm, this sounds familiar …

"Jillette stripping naked at a Hooters" … and a roomful erections suddenly deflate, because once you have the image of Penn's small, saggy genitalia burned into your retinas no amount of beer or bouncing female flesh is going to get you back in the mood.

"Jillette stripping naked at a Hooters" … and a roomful erections suddenly deflate, because once you have the image of Penn's small, saggy genitalia burned into your retinas no amount of beer or bouncing female flesh is going to get you back in the mood.

Ripley: Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away? (Aliens, 1986)

To everyone who thinks Disney can't do any worse than what Lucas did to the franchise, there is nothing stopping Disney from making, since it worked so well for Jim Henson and the Muppet Babies, endless squashed-down sagas aimed directly at the 5-10 demographic. "The Ewoks and the Star Wars Babies learn a very

To everyone who thinks Disney can't do any worse than what Lucas did to the franchise, there is nothing stopping Disney from making, since it worked so well for Jim Henson and the Muppet Babies, endless squashed-down sagas aimed directly at the 5-10 demographic. "The Ewoks and the Star Wars Babies learn a very

I don't know, the whole "me and my crew have no problems committing suicide" just didn't ring true. Up to that point the only thing he cared about was getting laid and Stephen Stills 190 year old squeeze box (because taking ancient artifacts on top secret missions always makes sense … on the other hand Villers had a

I don't know, the whole "me and my crew have no problems committing suicide" just didn't ring true. Up to that point the only thing he cared about was getting laid and Stephen Stills 190 year old squeeze box (because taking ancient artifacts on top secret missions always makes sense … on the other hand Villers had a

Holloway sees one of the worm-things in his eyeball after sex. Why he decides to act like nothing is wrong and not get his ass down to the medical lab is beyond me, or at least tell Nooni he just gave her space-herpes is one more dick move in a movie full of dicks (both literal and metaphoric)

Holloway sees one of the worm-things in his eyeball after sex. Why he decides to act like nothing is wrong and not get his ass down to the medical lab is beyond me, or at least tell Nooni he just gave her space-herpes is one more dick move in a movie full of dicks (both literal and metaphoric)

Why is it that when Noomi Rapace gives belly-cutting birth to her xenomorph it's a squid-face hugger, whereas evrryone else gives birth to aliens? I always assumed face huggers came from eggs laid by the Queen. Also, why didn't she tell anyone she just cut a monster out from her (totally toned and not pregnant

Why is it that when Noomi Rapace gives belly-cutting birth to her xenomorph it's a squid-face hugger, whereas evrryone else gives birth to aliens? I always assumed face huggers came from eggs laid by the Queen. Also, why didn't she tell anyone she just cut a monster out from her (totally toned and not pregnant

Considering we're destroyed something like 90% of the large shark populations in the world I — *sighs* frak it, by the time I'm done writing this Hong Kong fishermen will have finned the remain 12 Great Whites left in the Pacific and then our oceans will be even emptier than they are now. It'll be weird telling my

It only makes sense — Mel Gibson is desperately trying to redeem himself in the public's eye so it was only a matter of time before he dusted off the one character people still connect him with without shuddering, Sgt. Riggs and … wait, this is Bruce Willis? The fat bald guy from Moonlighting? Huh, I always wondered

It's a shame you don't know the word for hipstertrash. I just like saying 他妈的 in my posts, especially posts about Hong Kong based movies, because in an all-English website it shows I am worldly and the kind of person who knows how to use Google Translate (which is strange, because it didn't know how to translate

Does the Beaver really say guv'ner? because my entire knowledge of Cockney comes from Penfold from Danger Mouse and I've been waiting patiently for a movie that features Penfold … who is a hamster, which is sorta like a beaver if you've been drinking Everclear and Kool-aid all night.