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    Virtually all the re-vamps look less like actual people, which is what bothers me.  The proportions are off.  All of the women (Batgirl, Harley, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, etc.) become more petite and slender to the point of anatomical impossibility.  Catwoman in particular went from a tall, curvacious babe to a kind of

    This episode creeped me out so much as a child.

    I must say, I'm a little puzzled at the positive reaction this movie is getting from such discerning viewers here.  I thought it was pretty much a mess from start to finish.  "So you've come back to die with your city?  No.  I came back to stop you."  Well, gee, Batman, when you put it that way, I guess I'll stop. 

    I must say, I'm a little puzzled at the positive reaction this movie is getting from such discerning viewers here.  I thought it was pretty much a mess from start to finish.  "So you've come back to die with your city?  No.  I came back to stop you."  Well, gee, Batman, when you put it that way, I guess I'll stop. 

    Cut-o, cut-o, cut-o!

    Cut-o, cut-o, cut-o!

    I have to say, the visuals were so engaging that I really wanted to like this movie.  But I didn't. Couldn't.

    I have to say, the visuals were so engaging that I really wanted to like this movie.  But I didn't. Couldn't.

    'Reactionary', as I understand it, doesn't means "strongly reactive", as you seem to be implying.  Rather, it means "strongly conservative, opposed to progressive or radical political positions".

    At which point the artwork really goes downhill, in my opinion.

    When handled correctly, though, I think the Batman and Robin relationship is interesting.  Batman's one of the few super heros to have a true side-kick/partner, and though it messes with his lone-wolf mojo, it's also something he actively seeks out and seems to need, on some level.  The presence of the dynamic duo

    Carrie!  Roll-over text?

    If FOX ever gets around to seeing or reading the Lord of the Rings, they may have to have another incoherent hissy fit.
    Fortunately for them, I suppose, Ents are not hasty.

    Re: the Juliet plot-line.  Which is worse, that Juliet's telling the truth, as we are led to believe, in which case an otherwise totally unsympathetic character is the victim of a character who, up until this point, has been painted quite sympathetically (to the extent that he's been painted at all, which is not

    This show tries my patience in almost every possible way.

    I think I liked this film, overall, or at least found it interesting, but I was also puzzled by it throughout and still am.

    Fear, Surprise, and an almost Fanatical devotion to the Pope, oh, and…
    We'll come in again.

    Well, the Federation may clearly be the good guys, most of the time, but there's still all the controversy around the Prime Directive.  The Federation/Starfleet is specifically cast as not necessarily knowing what's best for other civilizations, even though they might be inclined to think they do and go meddling.  And

    Have you ever tried to explain, to a non-American, non-english speaker, what it is to be thankful, in the sense that we give thanks on thanksgiving for what we have, but not TO anyone in particular.

    I agree, the characters seem less credible and sillier this season than in the past.  It's still usually funny, but I'm less and less invested in them as people (albeit fictional).