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    Oh, really?  I rather like "I Know You Know."  I think it fits the show. I also usually like the variations of it they occasionally do.

    This is spot on.

    Can we even be convinced that Gemma is *dead* dead?  With this show, I'm not sure.

    They did give a cheap throwaway line "If you find [Buffy, er—] Bridget, tell her I miss her."

    Community reference! ^^

    'My wife and I couldn't have children, so we chose to imagine them.'

    What she isn't then, though, is a terribly compelling lead character.  Or at least it's not obvious that such a set of character traits is a formula for one.

    The Holodeck-Dreamatorium was, indeed, a nice touch.  It almost seems as if many Community episodes take place on a slightly more subtle kind of holodeck.

    Everyone's opinions are right, eh?  Well, that's *your* opinion. 

    I like both Psych and baseball a lot, so this episode should have been like throwing virtual BP, but I have to agree, with the reviewer's sentiment. I was, as they say, looking for something else.

    It's true, they could've targeted the Cubs, instead, for example.  We'll see what the Theo Epstein era brings over there.

    I really like both Psych and Community, but I think it's a hard case to make that Pysch obviously superior.

    An actual good show, though, answers your questions and has them lead to new, more interesting ones week to week.  This show leaves you with pretty much the same questions, some of the worst of which are basic character motivation questions.  They're not even keeping us guessing because we have so little to plausibly

    Yay for community references!

    Disagree on both counts.  I'm not crazy about the hairstyle, but she's pretty attractive regardless.  I can't recall having seen Ms. Choudry in anything since, but she doesn't look that bad for her age.  That movie was a long time ago, you know.

    Yeah, as some people have mentioned, that plot has '24' written all over it, and not in a good way.  At least nodody's hot blonde daughter is being held hostage.  Yet.

    Yeah, I was half expecting more Buffy bit players to start popping out.  Could've been funny.

    I like how last week the writers gave an unflattering nod to themselves by letting us hear a bit of Henry's self-proclaimed terrible manuscript.  "We may not be able to write dialogue, but just watch us produce a fake hack novel!"