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    "space-station-cover paperback charm" I love it.

    "Duck Blind"  There's even a scene that corresponds to the hammy "I can't see!" crystal-blue pupils bit, although it's actually played for laughs, rather than melodrama.

    Notice how Conroy uses his Batman voice out of costume when he talks to Talia.  I feel like that says something about their relationship.

    I'm  curious to say how the films wrap the plot of the Hobbit, because the end—no spoilers—is actually pretty anti-climactic if you think about it.

    I'm  curious to say how the films wrap the plot of the Hobbit, because the end—no spoilers—is actually pretty anti-climactic if you think about it.

    I forgot Batgirl, whose eyes remain visible and thankfully so in my view.

    I forgot Batgirl, whose eyes remain visible and thankfully so in my view.

    I dig Nightwing's theme, too.  Enough to take the mullet in stride.  At least Dick has the good sense to wear it in a pony-tail.

    I dig Nightwing's theme, too.  Enough to take the mullet in stride.  At least Dick has the good sense to wear it in a pony-tail.



    I agree with Come On In Here, that Robin is most important and effective as a way to bring out more from Bruce/Batman.  Batman is cool when he's alone, but it's in the few relationships he cultivates with others that he really becomes interesting to me.  I loved the way they built both the tension and the bond between

    I agree with Come On In Here, that Robin is most important and effective as a way to bring out more from Bruce/Batman.  Batman is cool when he's alone, but it's in the few relationships he cultivates with others that he really becomes interesting to me.  I loved the way they built both the tension and the bond between

    I think the way M dies is the ultimate anti-climax and it's not great for female roles in the series. We're supposed to be all tense finding out how Bond's gonna stop Bardem, then he does stop him, but M just dies of her wounds anyway.  Apparently, her mortal blow had already happened, in passing, some 15 minutes

    I think the way M dies is the ultimate anti-climax and it's not great for female roles in the series. We're supposed to be all tense finding out how Bond's gonna stop Bardem, then he does stop him, but M just dies of her wounds anyway.  Apparently, her mortal blow had already happened, in passing, some 15 minutes

    Amen, Britta Bot.

    Amen, Britta Bot.

    Virtually all the re-vamps look less like actual people, which is what bothers me.  The proportions are off.  All of the women (Batgirl, Harley, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, etc.) become more petite and slender to the point of anatomical impossibility.  Catwoman in particular went from a tall, curvacious babe to a kind of