
You all everybody!

I never knew that. I just read on Wikipedia that the reason they changed the name from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to Willy Wonka… was to promote the candy bar.

It's probably just the angle.

I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure the bassist has cornrows, not dreadlocks. I can agree they're horrible though.

*dessert you


Are you supposed to be Dissolving somewhere?

You read the article!

I don't think I know any jokes about Poles. I do know a few jokes about poles, but they probably wouldn't offend you. I also think Detroit has probably the coolest name of any American city.

"Ty Segall is putting out another album?" no one has ever said in a surprised voice.

Yeah. Later seasons show him not as a horrible person, but just a horrible boss (and a huge idiot). I was re-watching season 2 the other day, and I love the moment at the end of "Halloween" after he fired Devon in the worst way possible and the trick-or-treaters come by his house and he's totally sweet and appropriate.

Makes me want to rent a van and a drummer.

Dammit man. After recently watching AD Season 4 with Isla Fisher and Doctor Who season 5, I've had a fire relit, a fire for the the fire-crotched and you're not helping!

So you're saying Washington was into strippers?

Someone's getting sued by Lilian Jackson Braun…

The first episode I saw with the Ood, all I could think about was Zoidberg.

So is that Candyland movie still in development?

I remember having a similar reaction to Ann-Margret though it was for a different movie. I should mention though that I am WAY too young to have had a crush on Ann-Margret except TCM was the station I watched most frequently as a kid.

That would be awesome. I decided this year for the Fourth of July, I'm going to watch Don't Look Back since it's basically Dylan being an asshole to British people. USA! USA! USA!