
The freaks in this show are actually more stoners. One episode James Franco tries to be a punk to impress a girl.

I really wish there was more Buster. Tony Hale didn't get a lot of screen time outside of his episode.

Michael seems less selfish when he's around the rest of the family. He's always been pretty hypocritical on that front.

It's on Youtube. I just googled the title and it came up.

I think that's the "joke"

I really think they should all die in The Hangover 3.

Those damn Lowe's commercials are the worst.

I decided to rewatch it (on Netflix) last night. I didn't remember it being so quotable, especially the cops and Tony Shalhoub's character.

It's almost too bad it's named Psycho.

This show (along with a few bands) is what really turned me a pop culture obsessive. They showed reruns on my local Fox station and I started to watch them pretty regularly and then discovered the whole thing was on Netflix. Some early season episodes are still some of the things most likely to cheer me up.

Observe and Report. I haven't actually seen it either. Isn't it basically Taxi Driver?

Oh this is an interesting story about a writer not making it in Hollywood, but is anythi…WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?!!

Thank you. That's all I needed to know.

Can you give me a brief summary of your life before last year?

Buy their mother? I must've read that book wrong.

I like that he's legitimately retired from acting. More legends should do the same.

Is that for real? A quick Google search came up with nothing.

How has there not been more Paul Bunyan in the past few years of "adapt everything?" There has to be a movie in development.

Mission: Impossible 2 was just added to Netflix Instant. It's only notable because the other three have been on there for months.

The Verve Pipe! But really it's funny how low they are on the lineup.