

That's my problem with most classic rock stations. When I was a kid, my dad mostly listened to an "Oldies" station that played songs mostly from the 50's and 60's but you never hear most of those songs on classic rock stations.

It seemed like something he invented on the spot. I didn't suspect it was actual lyrics.

What is this?

I might have to agree  with you, at least for today.

Wrong 80's/90's alt-rock bassist Kim!

Dating younger men? How young? I'm asking for a friend.

Oh. That makes even more sense. I'd like to see this tour too but he's not coming anywhere near me. If the ticket prices aren't totally outrageous, maybe I'll take a vacation this summer.


I guess you mean Washington/Oregon? I'm missing it in Texas too.

Does Polanski count?

I really liked it except for all the goddamned  a capella.

That whole exchange combined with John Mulaney's bit about Ice-T makes me want to watch SVU.

"It was viraled out to hundreds of kids"

I luckily only know this one.

Thank you for proving my point, but luckily this site has an edit tool.

I've never seen Game of Thrones, but I imagine it's more grounded in the real world.(A Crossover Hit!) Lord of the Rings is a (mostly) sexless world with clear lines drawn between good and evil and much of the plot driven by destiny. That's not to say I personally don't love Lord of the Rings.

The thing is "indie music" really isn't a genre or at least it shouldn't be.

I totally get this, Although I recently got into Doctor Who, don't expect to see me on Tumblr or any message boards.

Am I the only one who saw his last name and the beard and assumed he was related to Jim Henson?
I looked it up and he's not so he should really shave that beard.