
Do you realize there are a bunch of different maskless photos and were on a magazine cover without their masks back in the day?

I'll probably watch it when they add it to Netflix. I'd like to watch Tennant in something else besides Doctor Who.

Olivia Colman playing a cop in a sleepy small town? Sounds a little familiar. I'll watch that (even though this doesn't look like a comedy).

Every member of Boyz II Men

Johnny's in the basement, smurfin' up the medicine

Fuck you Sony

She'll have to go live in a little room!

Not to mention she's redheaded.

I watched Kill Your Idols on Netflix, which started out alright, but about half way through turned into rubbish. It started out with Suicide and the punk scene in New York and how that inspired no wave and how no wave then inspired bands like Sonic Youth and Swans. It had lots of interviews of the people in those

Part of me is just excited to see John Goodman in a Coens' movie again.

Is that what you pro-lifers like to call yourselves?

Jerusalempiter? Or is it just Jewpiter?

That's my life, man.

I'm pretty excited for Inside Llewyn Davis, The World's End, and the new Arcade Fire. I'm also going to try to go to a Wavves/King Tuff concert in October.

He's a comedian who is a frequent guest on the Sklarbro Country  podcast (including being on every Sklarbro County). He does a Mark Wahlberg character.

I at least hope Dan Van Kirk can mine some good material out of this.

Paul Rudd's part should have been played by Jakob Dylan

The cast of Ferris Bueller doesn't have a great track record.

That video did confusing things to me

I've never seen an episode.