Judas Booth

I'm sure this has been brought up many many times, but they ought to make a Tetris film based on the game's crazy history. The BBC did a great documentary called "Tetris - From Russia with Love" that would be an excellent blueprint to work from.

Neat! I'd love to see a version of the film drawn and colored this way.


I was wondering why the moon called me a "slimy fucking walrus-looking piece of shit" last night.

I had a hard time not looking at Justin's permanently smug face throughout this episode.

Thanks to "The Spelling Bee," I hear Big Bob Pataki in my mind whenever I see the word "qualm."

I noticed that as well. I figured my browser was acting up.

That's the worst name I ever heard.

Likewise, PornHub will be offering Schtupp Up.

It's worth noting there's an option to remove Tails from Sonic 2's single-player. Makes collecting the Chaos Emeralds infinitely easier.

I know Super Spike V-Ball and SimCity for the SNES were in his collection at one point.

And Badger and Skinny Pete as Bulk and Skull.

That's all you can say! That's all you can say!

Great Job, Crash Test Dumbass!

On the Aladdin Sega Genesis cartridge, is there a way to get out of the Cave of Wonders without riding the Magic Carpet?

Mmm! I've got Sludge in my mouth!

In reality, he was covering up track marks.

Still, that name seems very ungainly and kind of silly for the whatever it is Link has to ultimately defeat. Maybe it's just me though.

T-800: Hasta la vista, weenie. *shoots cock*