Judas Booth

It's interesting you say that because I cannot wait to see Ghostbusters, in theaters July 15th!


I found this tattooed on my ass: 宽负载

$10 for a Vectrex?? I'm supremely jealous.

I wish this were still true. Pawn shops and thrift stores have gotten hip to their real value in recent years. I used to make the rounds to these stores on the weekends to see what games I could get for peanuts, but once I saw an Atari 2600 with about 15 games included selling for $300 bucks, I knew the game was up

You should open it up and bend the pins on the connector back ( http://www.retrofixes.com/2… ). Just be careful not to bend them too far or it'll be a pain in the ass to insert/remove cartridges.

There are a lot of tracks to choose from Yuzo Koshiro's brilliant soundtrack for Super Adventure Island, but I'll nominate this one for being the chillest of them all:

Drat! Came here to post this.

That category felt like a gimme and I can't even consider myself a Foo Fighters fan.

He lost against the Elite Four, which is kind of an accomplishment.

You mean like that bozo, Bonko the Clown?

I think this sounds suite.

It's what I used to buy Dawes' latest album.


I think the arcade DK and Cranky are one and the same since he'll constantly reference "the good old days" of the arcade game when you visit him in the DKC series.

That ape is very very cunning and he will do what he needs to to stop you.

Hopefully they remove the actor it's attached to as well.

From what I've read, these Tetris films are going to be science fiction (I don't know how this'll work but whatever). I'd rather they junk that approach and instead create a drama based on Tetris' history from its inception to Nintendo's wrangling of the license and beyond.

I'll admit, I was thrilled to see her win. She was wonderfully gregarious.

Never seen "Heaven's Gate" but I know its production and release are the stuff of legends and I've been wanting to watch it out of curiosity for some time now. Thanks for the doc recommendation.