Judas Booth

Calamity Ganon - they're not really going to call him that, are they?

The Suicide Motor Club - where evil drives a stick and good drives a stake…

Ringo Starr in A Hard Day's Night

Batman Forever, I can kind of understand. It's fun to watch. Batman and Robin though is just a tedious toy commercial.

If ratings aren't spectacular, the guy in front will be put on a strict diet of deep-fried Oreos.

Harrison: I'll sign if my character dies in his sleep instead.

"Movin' on down! (Movin' on down)
Tooo the crappy part of town…"

I 'unno, the Scarecrow from TNBA was pretty sweet.

Yeah, it was a pretty lousy design. As I understand it, the left wing of the controller was included as a contingency plan in case the analog stick didn't catch on with gamers.

Ocarina of Time, no question. I was completely absorbed by that game during my Christmas break in '98. Clever controls, brilliant dungeons that really understood how to take advantage of three-dimensions, and so so so many entertaining side quests.

She's still sitting at the dining room table in her pajamas.

"When you go home tonight, there's going to be another Xbox One in your house!"

*crosses fingers* Come on, new Ape Escape

Wasn't there also a run of "bizarro" characters for a while? I seem to recall a bizarro Cookie Monster and possibly a bizarro Arnold Schwarzenegger that were roundly vilified.

k, I haven't had McDonalds in a while.

Were they eating Royales with cheese?

It's just not the same without a big fat rat guy hanging around.

"It says here on your resume you caught Mew without trading, using a GameShark, or exploiting a glitch. Now, how on earth did you do that?"