Judas Booth

Axl: Man I could go for a peanut butter, banana, and bacon sandwich right about now…

Tim McVey: Nibbler is one of two snakes I haven't seen in years.

There are probably more references the video missed but Todd saying "red room, red room, over there" was one I noticed was absent.

I've never directly imported any games, but I've had a couple of Japanese carts in my collection over the years:

This one's made of lead. *throws brick*

Gilbert Gottfried.

That's the one where Blofeld inexplicably appears in drag, right? I can relate.

Mutations is a great album as well.

Fair enough.

Already Knew That, Internet!

It's a good thing his father Art isn't around to see him behave like this.

"Don't fire the tranquilizer gun until you can see your own reflection in his head."

How much time did it take to produce this from start to finish?

I still have one of Psyduck on my Game Boy Pocket - there's no sign of wear on it, and considering it was in constant contact with the palm of my hand, that's pretty damn impressive.

You must've been playing it on one of those cool Pokemon Snap Stations, which let you to print out sticker sheets of the photos you took in-game for a few bucks a sheet.

Crypt Keeper: I would've gone with "Die Latte" myself.

I'm going to recover from eating a foot-long meatball sub by watching the latest episode of Silicon Valley, after which I'll play the rest by ear (preferably while ensconced in my La-Z-Boy).

Huh. After growing up with Cartoon Network in the 90s, I thought I'd seen every piece of crap show Hanna-Barbera had to offer.

After Sonic X-treme was cancelled, my outlook on life was different, I can tell you that.