Judas Booth

Ewe holdin'?

And caramel corn.

Fast One

I'd like to see their take on Commander Keen next.

Man (I think).

I'll get back to you on that.

The "Blizzard Entertainment rep" is actually Conan staff member Aaron Bleyaert, who's typically Conan's sidekick in these segments.

Kool-Aid Man: Oh yeah!

"Cookie Puss, I will eat your soul"

It's very frustrating to walk down the sidewalk, see an oncoming pedestrian completely absorbed by their phone and unaware of their surroundings, and know there's a 90% chance they're going to walk right in to me.

Eww - I had a classmate in elementary school who would bring uncooked ramen noodles to school for a snack at recess. She'd cover the noodles in the powder from the flavoring packet first and munch away. Years later, I gave it a try and immediately started gagging from the powder. Disgusting.

Do fake junk mail credit cards count?

"Ando challenged himself to create a noodle that was durable but also tasty. He ultimately failed."

If my pug gets aggressive and has its jaws around an old lady's throat and won't let go, do I stick my finger into the controller to make it stop?

Aunt Selma has one hour to live!

Can't wait for season 3 of Halt and Catch Fire. It was great seeing Cameron and Donna front and center for season 2 and I'm glad to hear they'll be the focus of this new season as well.

They'd be more than happy to swallow [the cost of shipping] our loads.


::kicks box of unsold Judas action figures::

♫Pepper Ann, Pepper Ann…♫

And what-not.